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well the vet gave duke the all clear today which i,m over the moon with ,had 2 go back today 2 gat the rest of the stiches out and said i can start letting him of the lead ,so now i,m just take it easy for 2 weeks road walking him getting him ready for the season ,its mad how this injury happened less then 4 weeks ago and when it happened i thought the worst ,thanks for all the comments,thanks gaz ,

here a few pics from when it happened till today for them that that dosen,t what 2 read the full lot :thumbs:


when stiched



a week after the operation


and today after stiches out


i love saying this,TOLD YOU :thumbs::tongue2::whistling:

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im sorry to here about that rocky hope it all works out for u but if thing dont pm me ive got a dog pup left and u can come and pick him up free of charge mate its not a nice thing to happen ive had t

well just geting back from the vets and they admited him ,they will not know nothing untill they but him a sleep so he hopeing he ok ,i have 2 ring them at 4pm ,it still has,nt sunk in ,some post have

Still young enough to heal quick mate. You said he can walk on it which is a good sign. I think he'll be fine mate. The joys of lurchers eh.... We have all been there mate and we know how your feeling

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well the vet gave duke the all clear today which i,m over the moon with ,had 2 go back today 2 gat the rest of the stiches out and said i can start letting him of the lead ,so now i,m just take it easy for 2 weeks road walking him getting him ready for the season ,its mad how this injury happened less then 4 weeks ago and when it happened i thought the worst ,thanks for all the comments,thanks gaz ,

here a few pics from when it happened till today for them that that dosen,t what 2 read the full lot :thumbs:


when stiched



a week after the operation


and today after stiches out


i love saying this,TOLD YOU :thumbs::tongue2::whistling:

you were right :11:

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Must be a healthy dog to heal so quick! if he's gonna be ready to work this season? hell of a result! Nice to see you got him some quality treatment, goodluck with rehab (make sure he goes, look what happened to amy - too soon?) wink.gif atb rocky

yea he a healthy dog ,he rehab is going fine just plenty of road walking . :weight_lift2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

well just like 2 update on dukes recovery for the lads whos been asking .well he injury was about 6 weeks agoand he has been back 2 work the last 2 weeks and it like nothing even happen he fatiuge a bit quicker then normal but thats down him not 100% fit ,he caught well over 30+ rabbits in 4/5 outings on the lamp plus somthing else but all in all he made a complete recovery ,from when it first happened i thought that was it he would never run again ,all i can say theses types of dogs are hardy as they come imo,thanks for nice comments and advise getting back 2 full health .atb gaz

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Glad to hear the big dogs well on he's way back to recovery mate, the pups doing well just started taking him on odd short walks.. All the best cannyboy.

glad 2 hear that mate ,i,ll start a topic of in a months time 2 see how they getting on

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  • 4 months later...

Well done to you and of course Duke :) glad to hear hes back to normal mate sturdier than they look sometimes

thanks ,yeah he getting back 2 nealy full fittness ,he be lamping fit come this time next month


jees mate...didnt know this happened...what a mad thread but bloody hats off there mate.. :yes: ....thats one healthy dog and a hard bugger too....any problems since you got him back on to full fitness?...gotta meet up remember.....i'l PM you my number and my names Jon by the way rocky? :D

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