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Looking at buying some bins,thought sixty / seventy quid what cover it Ive had to rethink it. Didnt realise you can pay around a grand whhat makes them so much better.

Zeiss sounds better than Argos.......... :D

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Quality glass costs money,, The coatings on top end glass transmit more light,, up to the point ,when you look through a pair of Sworo`s at dusk, they`re like night vision !! lol..


I have been using Konus 10x42 for a while,,Around 100 bucks (the best for this price range),, bought a pair of Opticron DBA 10 x 42 ath the game fair, 550 quid,, night and day!! a huge difference,, go to 1800 quid for sworovisions and the difference is huge.


You get what you pay for,, buy cheap, buy twice,, always get the best yeh can afford at the time.



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I got my pair of swarovski 10 by 42s serviced 2 weeks ago and the bill was £518 for servicing. A hell of a lot of money but they have came back in showroom condition. In fact a few guys that looked at them reckon swarovski have sent me brand new ones. I dropped them from my quad and knacked them but now i will be trying my best to mollycuddle them for the rest of my days. To buy these are approx £1800. I had cheap ones and I was in Aberfeldy stalking a couple of years ago and could hear stags roaring but couldnt spot them untill i borrowed my mates swarovs. They are brilliant and it is like night and day compared to cheapo ones. When out following hounds and it starts to get gray dark, these come into their own. Well worth investing, Del.

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depends on how much shit you are going to put them through. a well proven pair of waterproof glasses pay for themselves 4times over. If its for general glassing and something with a big objective lens makes most sense. they are cheep and if bust wont break your heart. If you want true definition then the extra dough makes a difference in light transmission and image quality.


Advice is buy the best you can afford, in a spec that suits what you need them for. The internet is great for finding bargains. just be mindful of what you actually need!


Nikon's are good value for money IMHO through Uttings.

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