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Preferred Calibre

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Now then chaps, not after any sort of banter over which is the best calibre, just what you prefer. I'll be buying a new rifle as soon as I get permission from the misus and am tempted by .177. I have only ever had .22 calibre rifles and am becoming more lured by .177. What I want from a rifle is probably what everyone on this forum wants, something that I can predominantly hunt with, but do a bit of informal plinking too. Yes, this can be achieved with my current set ups but I'm wondering if I'm missing out by only using .22? :hmm:


My rifles are all sub 12ft/lb and I've read on many forums that at this power .177 is usually best? But then I hear stories of 'over penetration'? What's the crack lads? What do you prefer?



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Hi Elliot.



Im fotunate to shoot both .177 and .22

On a personal note, I much prefer the .22 for hunting, but do occassionaly pick up the .177

Its a very personal choice and preference, what suits one, will not suit another.


Easy answer is........work hard on the missus........and get both :thumbs::laugh:;)







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Thanks chaps, looking like .22 is still popular with the hunters, never had any trouble knocking over the bunnies with my .22 HW100 but I find myself getting fixated with mil dots and chairgun.. :wallbash: possibly a .177 would make things a bit easier :hmm: .


This is what I stick to the side of my .22 HW100 when I'm out shooting bunnies. Its from chairgun, based on x10 magnification (true mil dots for my MTC Viper) I find it accurate up to 35 yards, but need to do some experimenting at further distances. Missed a 42 yard bunny last weekend, conditions and shot execution were perfect but the pellet flew safely straight over the rabbit's head. Needless to say after that I lost confidence in the set up and called it a day.


Need to get out on the range on a calm day with the bipod (after the damn grass has been bailed!) and shoot some more groups at various ranges.





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Hi Elliot.


Just looking at your Avatar picture........did you manage to climb back out of that burrow.........or was that taken before you cut the grass :icon_eek::laugh:;)


Nice tidy sight map mate :thumbs:









:D I was using the dip in the field. That snap was taken by my dad when he joined me on a shoot. He's a very keen ornithologist and good with a camera. The photo was taken just before I dropped a 35 yard bunny and at the time I didn't realise there was another one in the field behind, it was a good 60 yards away.


Just waiting for the fields to be bailed on that shoot and I'll be back targeting the rabbits. The permission is only around 6 acres but borders a golf club and railway embankment.. :icon_eek: golf course + railway embankments = rabbit heaven! :boogie:



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