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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks ghillies :D


The pup has continued to do well since I originally posted this. I'd like to say he's grown but ... well ... he hasn't :laugh:


He's been down to the farm to start meeting the inhabitants tho



He's been exploring the woods and pond with the kids



He's played at the river







... and he's chewed several shoes, learned how to bark at EVERYTHING, buried a hat and savaged my strawberry patch.


F*cking terriers :censored::laugh:

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Crackin' photos, I have a Canon 50mm f1.8 II, first problems I had ( and still do) is getting the DOF and focus point correct at close quarters, and indoors shots I have tried with natural light and no flash seem a bit noisy, I find a setting of f2.0 works slightly better. Keep practicing.

Here are a few of my photos using the 50mm



Dylan at 50mm by cronuskane, on Flickr





Fern at 50mm by cronuskane, on Flickr



IMG_4931 by cronuskane, on Flickr

Edited by Shuttleworth
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