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is it legal to kill my neighbour

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leave something valuable in your back garden (wallet,watch etc) wait for him to jump over to steal it, then perform a citizens arrest,if he attacks you while you are making the arrest you can defend yourself.

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its ok to kill your neighbour but not right now... there out of season you know.. its fround upon to kill a summer neighbour   smithie

Leave your door open and catch him in the house shoot him and then put another in the wall and tell plod you shot the wall first and he carried on coming at you so you had to shoot him to protect your

call in a faver wile you are at the pub lots of people will see you there and he will stop fecking about in your yard

Ive got one like that she can be as noisy as she likes but the minute i have a do at the weekend the cops show up she was fecked the last time they spotted the pups and were too busy playing with them rofl.She been told by the police umpteen time that until after midnight theres no issue and that the music wasnt actually that loud.She never lifts a finger lazy cow either so ive done as asked and kept a diary to provide proof everyone hates her round here.One thing that does work a treat if you want rid put as many crickets as you can get through the letterbox when hes out the noise will eventually drive him to the local assylum theyre hard to kill as the more you try to kill them the more thay breed

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Ive got one like that she can be as noisy as she likes but the minute i have a do at the weekend the cops show up she was fecked the last time they spotted the pups and were too busy playing with them rofl.She been told by the police umpteen time that until after midnight theres no issue and that the music wasnt actually that loud.She never lifts a finger lazy cow either so ive done as asked and kept a diary to provide proof everyone hates her round here.One thing that does work a treat if you want rid put as many crickets as you can get through the letterbox when hes out the noise will eventually drive him to the local assylum theyre hard to kill as the more you try to kill them the more thay breed


wouldnt work on me, im already insane

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Lol i bet it would it happened to a neighbour i so happen to dislike and she moved out for weeks got fumigators in and they ripped everything out of the house to the bare bones and still shes hearing them :) i dont mind the noise of them myself but then when i had them here they were in containers for feeding the bearded dragon before he was rehomed dunno if i would be so brave if they were raoming free.I wouldnt even touch them used to put container in and let the dragon help himself then remove it.That or maggots if you know theyre away and before they know it theres millions of blue bottles buzzing their little bottoms off round the house.

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HOW do ya mix up shotgun and catapult


Were you using lead ammo in the catty? :laugh:


I don't know fella, but if you figure out a loophole, do let us know, I'm sure most here have a few in mind, I know I do!


Thats a fine picture in your avatar John.Sure its Liam himself :notworthy::notworthy:

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i live next to complete scumbag , you know the type of twat throws rubbish over the fence swears at the wife and kids . the other day caught him in the garden rang the old bill told me it was a civil matter take him to court myself ,whats the point in that he only has his dole . the other day went to give him a little play tap all you get is go on i can do with the compo. so i ask whats a man to do council wont do a thing .he had the old bill at me the other day told them i pointed a shotgun at him or a catapult they laughed at him . hope this made you laugh thanks for looking ....forgot 1 thing he has never worked in 10 years just fiddles by doing gardening what a twat

what's a man to do?well a real man wouldn't be on here crying about it ye puff :laugh: a real man would of sorted it out by now, you deserve it ye shithouse :laugh::toast::laugh:

wasn,t crying about anything just sharing the laugh maybe i should be as tough as you but anyway thanks for the advice

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Guest busterdog

Cant you pay a mate £50 to put him in hospital? That or get your mate to say you were with him (alibi) and give him a hiding in his backyard.



Jesus :icon_eek: it would cost ten times that round here lol, but it would get done and done properly ;)

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Jokin apart now my mate, i wouldnt, and havent put up with with filth like this, theres only 1 language scum like him understand, just do it, i mean how long are you prepared to put up with it, ive endured it, but calling your family names, f**k that off, as for folks saying givin him a slap will land you in the nick, it didnt me

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