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Can anyone tell me what this bush/tree is

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Its in my garden and I want to pull it out and put something new there, how deep generally will the roots be etc? and would I need to dig deep or use a pick etc? not at all green fingered and never done gardening before. tar

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Just cut it back to get to the stump with a saw and dig it. Wont be that hard, half an hour or so. A pick axe/mattock and scaffold bar would be handy but spade will be fine, the main root ball shouldnt be more than 1-2ft or so, dont worry to much about the little roots left in they wont regrow.

Edited by Hob&Jill
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Im on my phone so cant see properly but it looks like a conifer type to me so roots shouldnt be to bad but wont know till you get your shovel out!!!!

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Its in my garden and I want to pull it out and put something new there, how deep generally will the roots be etc? and would I need to dig deep or use a pick etc? not at all green fingered and never done gardening before. tar



hard to tell from the pics but it looks like juniperus horizontalis.


just dig it out the roots won't be that deep :thumbs:

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