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Nothing that I've done Matulkoh...I'm just the one who told you what was happening.


The problem is that we don't like baiting in this country and whilst we don't condone it here, there is a fine line between showing what we don't accept in our own country and showing what is an accepted trial in foreign countries. I personally have been to a few trials and I don't like them, I fine them distasteful.


But (and this is a big but) do we allow you lads to post links to things that are legal in your own countries? Whilst they may be legal with you, our foreign friends, it still leaves a bitter taste in our mouths as it's nothing to do with hunting as we know it. As much as we don't wish to impose our morality on different cultures and traditions, we have to take a view on this and we have to draw a line.


Currently the moderators are mulling this one over and a decision will be made soon.


For my part, I think to ignore the fact that you lads have trials would be daft, as it clearly goes on. But all links to sites showing such pastimes should be removed. We already have enough trouble in our little island as it is and despite you blokes clearly saying where you are situated (ie abroad) there's already an anti website here showing a german lad with a badger and attributing that to us. I would like to finish by saying that all images or links to images showing baiting show not be tolerated....that's my personal opinion.

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I would like to finish by saying that all images or links to images showing baiting show not be tolerated....that's my personal opinion.


that s no problem, but i didn t put here any baiting link and there were no link in the second jagterriers topic, so why it s out?. i hope the topics ll be back soon, it started to go in wright direction.

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Nothing that I've done Matulkoh...I'm just the one who told you what was happening.


The problem is that we don't like baiting in this country and whilst we don't condone it here, there is a fine line between showing what we don't accept in our own country and showing what is an accepted trial in foreign countries. I personally have been to a few trials and I don't like them, I fine them distasteful.


But (and this is a big but) do we allow you lads to post links to things that are legal in your own countries? Whilst they may be legal with you, our foreign friends, it still leaves a bitter taste in our mouths as it's nothing to do with hunting as we know it. As much as we don't wish to impose our morality on different cultures and traditions, we have to take a view on this and we have to draw a line.


Currently the moderators are mulling this one over and a decision will be made soon.


For my part, I think to ignore the fact that you lads have trials would be daft, as it clearly goes on. But all links to sites showing such pastimes should be removed. We already have enough trouble in our little island as it is and despite you blokes clearly saying where you are situated (ie abroad) there's already an anti website here showing a german lad with a badger and attributing that to us. I would like to finish by saying that all images or links to images showing baiting show not be tolerated....that's my personal opinion.

Hi Stabs !

Why not only erase the link , write that it was erased due to the Cruelty or baiting pic´s , in the same topic and let the rest of the post open ?

At the end there was a interesting diskussion about Terriers in different Country´s !!!

I´m also not a fan of the baiting pic´s ( like you read in the topic ) but isn´t it allowed to write about ?

If someone now open a new topic about Jagdterrier´s or about the differences in hunting in our country´s i wouldn´t write the same twice ! Got not enough time for that !



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Steezy....I didn't erase anything mate, one of my colleagues has made the topic temporarily invisible to everyone but the mods. The above is my personal opinion and not the board rules. The moderators are discussing this issue at present and we'll let you know what is going on in due course.

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Steezy....I didn't erase anything mate, one of my colleagues has made the topic temporarily invisible to everyone but the mods. The above is my personal opinion and not the board rules. The moderators are discussing this issue at present and we'll let you know what is going on in due course.

Thanks Stab´s !

I don´t want to step on someone toe´s , you were the only one wich answer´d Matulkoh´s question´s !

It was only a idea , let the post running and only censor the not so humane thing´s ! Hopefully the mod´s did that !

my mate was a week offline and he work with a Jagdterrier and seen a lot work , so maybe he could react on P.Burn´s post , but he cant read it , it´s invinsible !



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