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help hw90 stock split

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hi lads hope some one can help me i need a hw 90 stock as mine has split again i had it repaid but has split again in the same place but now its longer it starts from the trigger housing go,s thou the pistol grip and now going thou the stock,or dus eny one no how it can be fixed or who can fix it for me eny help wud be appreciated,shud i split the stock completely then put some wood dowls in then glue them to gether i was thinking of putting some gamo tape on eny way wud this help to make it stronger at least it will hide the damage this gun is a joy to shoot and it,s part of my hw collection im gutted to say the least i was going to drill into the stock and put some long self tapers in as the gun will never be sold can enyone advice please thanks . jim

Edited by bigmac 97kt
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I had this with a BSA Meteor. Firstly i glued the split. Before the glue dried I pre-drilled a couple of holes through the split, put a couple of screws in with the heads countersunk and filled the holes with sawdust and wood glue. It has been like this now for about 10 years, it doesn't really get used these days but did have heavy use after the repair was made. Its perhaps not the prettiest repair but if you plan to hide it with camo tape you'd never know.


Hope this is of some help, good luck with it.



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Bud is right drill and add screws but use brass screws .steel screws will rust and split the stock after a few years .

Try to force as much epoxy glue in the split first before you screw it up tight and leave it to set for a few days before you use it .

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