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thinking of getting out of the poaching game

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  On 01/07/2011 at 20:23, jt750 said:

after 20 years you have no permission ..jeez after all that time you should be part and parcel of the land ..i am

and after 20 yrs buying shit dogs in ... did you not breed owt worth keeping .. your better off out the game imo ...
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2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite, id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shit

You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

Chris has been lamping for years, most of yous could only dream of owning dogs like FRED and so on. Its little pricks that big the dogs up but are f*****g shite then when tried they not worth a wank.

  On 01/07/2011 at 20:42, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:21, Ideation said:

You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

ive had the pleasure of owning some real good dogs over the years and met some life long freinds and yes met some right dick heads a long the way and not being bigheaded have caught more game t anhan some on here could dream of catching im a type of person who always strides for the ultimate killing machine and what some on here think good dogs wouldnt stay a week here thats why i gone through lot money and dogs the avrage dog was no good to me wanted the best but no body on here can say ive sold them shite not my way rather loose money and pts or give away to pet home how many on can say the same yes i admit im daft as fck buying adult dogs in and taking people at face value and as for the comment about stop the moaning i wasnt moaning stateing my views



For someone who claims to know what theyre doing your not very bright...lamping in the summer going through dogs like theres no tomorrow and trying to buy a good dog...try bringing your own on and save yourself some pounds :whistling:

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:20, trigger2 said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:15, DottyDoo said:

2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite,

id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shite aswell :thumbdown:



an as for the cops, they just an occupational hazzard, fook them, get permission or stop moaning :thumbs:

i think that the amount of bad dogs about these days is down to the fact that there are so many bad dog men about. imo the quality of dogs has changed over the years and not for the better, the true lurcher man is as rare as a good dog these days.


working dogs is more a hobby these days for most folk.


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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:12, shaaark said:

The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

shaark pall dont want to get into a slanging match with you pall but who the fck you mate you sound a right know it all silly boy mate i probably shit out what you know about poaching and you allways get them like you on here if i decide to keep me dogs ill teach you thing or two this winter mate first lessons on the house mate pre ban ilamped allover country with some very good dogmen pall and to be honest mate your attitude leeds me to think you armchair book reading poacher coming owt wi crap likke that :blink:

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:23, undisputed said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:42, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:21, Ideation said:

You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

ive had the pleasure of owning some real good dogs over the years and met some life long freinds and yes met some right dick heads a long the way and not being bigheaded have caught more game t anhan some on here could dream of catching im a type of person who always strides for the ultimate killing machine and what some on here think good dogs wouldnt stay a week here thats why i gone through lot money and dogs the avrage dog was no good to me wanted the best but no body on here can say ive sold them shite not my way rather loose money and pts or give away to pet home how many on can say the same yes i admit im daft as fck buying adult dogs in and taking people at face value and as for the comment about stop the moaning i wasnt moaning stateing my views



For someone who claims to know what theyre doing your not very bright...lamping in the summer going through dogs like theres no tomorrow and trying to buy a good dog...try bringing your own on and save yourself some pounds :whistling:

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:29, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:12, shaaark said:

The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

shaark pall dont want to get into a slanging match with you pall but who the fck you mate you sound a right know it all silly boy mate i probably shit out what you know about poaching and you allways get them like you on here if i decide to keep me dogs ill teach you thing or two this winter mate first lessons on the house mate pre ban ilamped allover country with some very good dogmen pall and to be honest mate your attitude leeds me to think you armchair book reading poacher coming owt wi crap likke that :blink:

just out of interest, and don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious....if your dogs are lying down in the back of the car, why do you keep getting pulled up? only reason I ask is that I drive all times of the day and night and very, very rarely get pulled up, and if I do it's for a reason. Is it down to the type of car you drive or what?

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:29, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:12, shaaark said:

The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

shaark pall dont want to get into a slanging match with you pall but who the fck you mate you sound a right know it all silly boy mate i probably shit out what you know about poaching and you allways get them like you on here if i decide to keep me dogs ill teach you thing or two this winter mate first lessons on the house mate pre ban ilamped allover country with some very good dogmen pall and to be honest mate your attitude leeds me to think you armchair book reading poacher coming owt wi crap likke that :blink:


Ok, I know f**k all :thumbs::boredom:

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:29, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:12, shaaark said:

The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

shaark pall dont want to get into a slanging match with you pall but who the fck you mate you sound a right know it all silly boy mate i probably shit out what you know about poaching and you allways get them like you on here if i decide to keep me dogs ill teach you thing or two this winter mate first lessons on the house mate pre ban ilamped allover country with some very good dogmen pall and to be honest mate your attitude leeds me to think you armchair book reading poacher coming owt wi crap likke that :blink:



how comes if ye know so many very good dogmen ye keep buying in shite :blink:



not having a pop mate, just asking............

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:21, the_stig said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:23, jt750 said:

after 20 years you have no permission ..jeez after all that time you should be part and parcel of the land ..i am

and after 20 yrs buying shit dogs in ... did you not breed owt worth keeping .. your better off out the game imo ...

stig mate got pup in now mate and trained some very usefull dogs in before my wife aint in the best of health and i do all shopping and kids take lot of time up as well i as ive said before been daft buying in older dogs just trying to cut corners and save time and yes i admit being lazy c**t at times trying to buy ready made dogs in but in the 20 odd years ive been poaching ive only got took to court twice and its just ahazzard we all face iknow that its for me more the fact id rather give dogs away then the cops take them and im on bones of me arse now and just say afford to get away with them so just say if iwas unlucky to get caught and loose me car and dogs for 1 me wife would be stuck in and we fck for transport and cant afford now to start allover again but i still love me poaching and night out with the lads

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  On 01/07/2011 at 21:40, rob190364 said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:29, coney clucky said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:12, shaaark said:

The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

shaark pall dont want to get into a slanging match with you pall but who the fck you mate you sound a right know it all silly boy mate i probably shit out what you know about poaching and you allways get them like you on here if i decide to keep me dogs ill teach you thing or two this winter mate first lessons on the house mate pre ban ilamped allover country with some very good dogmen pall and to be honest mate your attitude leeds me to think you armchair book reading poacher coming owt wi crap likke that :blink:

just out of interest, and don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious....if your dogs are lying down in the back of the car, why do you keep getting pulled up? only reason I ask is that I drive all times of the day and night and very, very rarely get pulled up, and if I do it's for a reason. Is it down to the type of car you drive or what?

rob mate i dont get stopped very often mate i drive ford focus it was to be honest mate the way they went on mate what a b*****d pair they said it was spot check and then they changed as soon as dogs were seen they more or less called us scum and tried their best to prevoke us then they tryed to see what they could get on car and when that failed radio in seeing what laws we might be dunn with making threats to have dogs and car siesed for going equiped to commit a crime of night poaching mate

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Guest joball
  On 01/07/2011 at 21:20, trigger2 said:
  On 01/07/2011 at 20:15, DottyDoo said:

2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite,

id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shite aswell :thumbdown:



an as for the cops, they just an occupational hazzard, fook them, get permission or stop moaning :thumbs:

i think that the amount of bad dogs about these days is down to the fact that there are so many bad dog men about. imo the quality of dogs has changed over the years and not for the better, the true lurcher man is as rare as a good dog these days.


working dogs is more a hobby these days for most folk.




Totally agree with you trigger theres alot of idiots in this game, see it on here all the time people starting dogs of at 12 or 11 weeks no wonder why theres so much shite about!

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