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starting long netting

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hi guys,im starting long netting rabbits at night but i have never went out long netting :no:

how do u scare rabbits into the long net and how do you set up the long net ?

sorry guys if i sound a bit stupid :icon_redface:



the biggest loudest BOO you can muster up, the trick is getting close enough to shout it in there ear... its all about fieldcraft :icon_redface:



only messing .. once the nets out you need to get behind them and walk the field heading towards your nets.. they should run for home getting caught up and leaving you to kill the net.



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definitely need to practice running out and picking up your nets in daylight, find a nice flat grass field to do it. try it with a breeze as well, running out the net across the wind direction and parellel with the wind direction. it will help you get a feel of what could happen if the wind changes during the setting of your net when your'e doing it for real in the dark. to push the rabbits in i use a small baccy tin with dried peas in just keep shaking it as i slowly walk the field,some people just clap their hands.



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