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how many of you are summer hunters ???

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A walk about might pull some up but it works out the pups for the season and keeps them fit. Anything caught goes to the ferrets and kits, no waste no worries. There are plenty left from my working compared to other silly blokes with guns shooting anything that moves. :thumbdown: So yes my dogs have a good 3 hours walk about in the bush daily but it's few nd far between thanks to the gun happy blokes. :gunsmilie:

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i do a fair bit of bushing in the summer early in the morning and late in the evening to keep the ferrets on fresh meat but if im asked to sort out a few foxes i will ,either dig them or lamp them but i wait for the right conditions

Edited by lurcher330
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i shoot rabbits this time of the year but its pest control, its not good shooting milky does or tiny baby rabbits but its got to be done if i want to keep the permission. just cleared a hotel grounds and i will be working on a couple of horse paddocks tonight that have been re sown and are getting hammered. everything i shoot is gutted and put into freezers and will eventually be fed to dogs and ferrets.


I am used to it now and i see the damage a dense population of rabbits can do to fine turf and in the case of tonight they are scratting the paddock to bits.


A lad i know had excellent permission one field held hundreds of rabbits but he didnt clear them when asked the permission was lost rabbits were gassed and sets filled in by a desperate farmer.

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Guest dances

I walk the dogs daily through the woods, they occasionally put a roe or fox up but dont catch them due to it being in the woods. I also occasionally lamp a few bits when im asked by farmers to remove specific pests.

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I know Tess very well,and I am sure she can ask the question herself,why does she need someone else to ask? :blink:



Aye its never stopped her before laugh.gif




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I will be ferreting some gardens next week, the MIL of the neighbouring large landowner. Do i want to ferret at this time of year...NO. But do i want the land next to it for lamping in the winter, and the other little jobs i get asked to do because of word of mouth, you bet your life i do. Every year when the young bunnies start showing, i get asked to do more and more gardens, these in turn have always led to more land (Usually adjoining fields)

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I do as i'm asked, or lose land, don't matter if their milky/old/young/ their pests, 75% are taken home the other 25% are left out for the red kites as thats what the man wants so that's what he get's! i'm out 4 time's a day with dog's, then lamp with dog for a few run's then slip the gun out as its hot and you'l soon burn a dog up in this heat even at 2am in the morning!

as for ferreting, f*****g no way, unless its some nice short grass land!!

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