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Hard dogs are very impressive . I love to dig to a hard dog but at the same time I do realise that the steady mixing type terrier is the best tool for the job. A dog that has respect for its quarry bu

i found that most of the guys who say they prefare a rock hard dog have never really owned a rock hard dog its ok too watch someone elses then at end of day go home and thats that but the owner has to

lads and ladies(just hunt) lots of bitching on all topics here but on the topic of what type of dog we like,lets put it up here then maybe we wont be contradicting ourselfs in future threads.here goe

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:icon_eek: so what categorie does a mute dog come into A hard B stupid hard or C phycotic

With the advent of collars surely this is a mute question :boogie: So how can i tell without seeing the dog at work? Psyco to badger is the one you dig out dead!

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Who mentioned a hard dog baying? You're not making sense mate, the dog I described was mute... I'm saying he done the same job as your type of dog but probably avoiding more stick just by his knack of getting the job done. A vixen in tight finished his career, he didn't try & avoid punishment just got the better of the tussles he had til it was dead or erm....going nowhere

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personally i like a strong dog with a good head on them there not sounders but they do the job

heres one for this season 16 month old



Well Hack I think this is a dog that is related to that dog of yours out a bitch belonging to DR its the dog on the right sitting up.



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Guest dee mac

Who mentioned a hard dog baying? You're not making sense mate, the dog I described was mute... I'm saying he done the same job as your type of dog but probably avoiding more stick just by his knack of getting the job done. A vixen in tight finished his career, he didn't try & avoid punishment just got the better of the tussles he had til it was dead or erm....going nowhere

lads you s are going around in circles the dogs we dig some might class hard they use there voice but they work up tight and will stand firm and depending on there foe they can take a lot of stick till job is done now i dont call this type a hard dog too me they are perfect if game is settled they will use there tongue in stead of staying welded too quarry taking stick for nothing now my opinion of a hard dog is a dog that enters and fills his mouth full from start too finish reguardless of the punishment its taking and this is when a dog can get some serious damage and i dont mean a few puncture wounds around the muzzle im talking weeks in kennells recovering and then next day out its happened all over again and then it starts all over again seen a old dog we had on time on break through having a hold on the quarrys foot first thing he d met the punishment he took was brutal as quarry had come right round and had a free run at him but still an all he never changed his hold the dog with a brain would have let go bided its time then looked for a better hold but then thats the difference one was a hard dog the other was nt .

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lads iv one of my dogs here 4 nearly 5 year old been digging him since he 18 month old only time he ever barked is when he in a tight spot and cant make contact he a bit wide in the chest. he will dig on allday to make contact and when he does theres nothing getting away from him iv dug him a couple of times well over three hours on grips for he hole dig but i never classed him as a hard dog because to me he never got the punishment to know he is a clever strong dog that knows were to hold without getting punished and am not talking about little vixens if you know what i mean. i also have a dog from him from an accidental mating before anyone starts puttng the age of the dog to bred from down yes accidental the rest of the litter were culled and i thaught id take a chance with a pup because of the pedigree now this thing is a hard dog and am not going into detail but theres lads on here that can vouch for the dogs in question.It was my opinion i gave on what i taught was a so called hard dog and were all entitled to that its not gospel just my opinion :thumbs:

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personally i like a strong dog with a good head on them there not sounders but they do the job

heres one for this season 16 month old



Well Hack I think this is a dog that is related to that dog of yours out a bitch belonging to DR its the dog on the right sitting up.



:thumbs: crackers pat how are you getting on? its a long time since iv seen you on here

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All is good S dont bodder with these sites much any more to much bitching go's on.

Hows all with up? Hows the bitch coming on she must be getting big now......

:thumbs: your right too pat.yeah the bitch is quite big now thursday is the 63day all going well. il keep ya posted :thumbs:

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personally i like a strong dog with a good head on them there not sounders but they do the job

heres one for this season 16 month old



Well Hack I think this is a dog that is related to that dog of yours out a bitch belonging to DR its the dog on the right sitting up.



could well be that is a double of him how old is he

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thats the bother to my one hack we also have a bitch looks like the dog in the pic



its funny kevin the same head on all the dog pups out of him he was one of the best dogs weve ever bred hope yours and paddys turn out just kike him atb with them

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personally i like a strong dog with a good head on them there not sounders but they do the job

heres one for this season 16 month old



Well Hack I think this is a dog that is related to that dog of yours out a bitch belonging to DR its the dog on the right sitting up.



Nice animals mate :thumbs:

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