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Hi all,


I've found a great place for daytime rabbits and was thinking of getting my saluki X there and doing a touch of bushing with him. It's just me and him so i'll be getting in the thick of it myself and flushing them out to him, I'm hoping this will help him realise we're a team and help with my other problem of him hunting up hare by himself and disapering for hours on end.

I was hoping some of you guys could give me a bit of advice along the lines of when to go out, what weather conditions are best etc etc. I want to give us the best chance of at least getting a few good runs for the lad.





Edited by Clip
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as for bushing mate get a terrier/ spaniel forget trying to bush them out yourself youll give up after 20mins full of thornes and shit. as for the lurcher if your going through bushes its a good chance the lurcher will follow. as for hunting up i wouldnt take it out in the day bushing as you would be incourage it to use its nose. this is just my opinion i would be interested to see other peoples.

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OK, Thanks Wilba. He's learnt to use his nose with great effect already, i thought i could use it to our advantage, i didn't think about it encouraging him to do it even more so for himself.

As for getting in amongst the thick myslef i'm not that worried about that. I used to work as a land maintenace worker and i'm quite used to being in the middle of thick bramble and up to my eye balls in nettles.



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If you are not going to work him on the lamp are you, if not you don't have to worry about the dog using its nose. A terrier would definetely be worth considering if you are after a bit of daytime sport but why not just go out and enjoy your self, even if you catch 'nout its always nice to do a bit of bushing.

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as for bushing mate get a terrier/ spaniel forget trying to bush them out yourself youll give up after 20mins full of thornes and shit. as for the lurcher if your going through bushes its a good chance the lurcher will follow. as for hunting up i wouldnt take it out in the day bushing as you would be incourage it to use its nose. this is just my opinion i would be interested to see other peoples.

Could not agree with you more,however if you are not able to go down the lines of another dog for whatever reason,this is what I would considering your Lurcher runs on and disappears,take him for a walk on a slip lead at dusk or dawn just as the rabbits are sitting out should be some youngsters about this time of year,I think youwould find this more fun than what you are suggesting admire your enthusiasim though .


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Thanks guys,

Yeah, its not really the best time for me to think about another dog. I'm keen to get out though so might go out at sun up tomorrow. We're forecast showers here for most of the week, will the rabbits still be about? Now there is a newbie question for ya :laugh:



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take him for a walk on a slip lead at dusk or dawn just as the rabbits are sitting out should be some youngsters about this time of year,I think youwould find this more fun than what you are suggesting admire your enthusiasim though .




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