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a little look out after work

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hi lads

well on my way home from work today i had to pass one of our permissions so i thought it would be rude not to have a sneaky peak lol

and im pleased i did i ended up with 7 bunnies at various ranges from 30 to 53 yards and a new 50 ish acre field which seem pretty alive cant wait to give it ago with the nv or lamp



atb gary

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A nice bag there Gary buddy :thumbs:


It always pays to keep the rifle in the van dont it mate when at work?


Ive added you and Darryl to the DVD now mate.


I ideally need Darryl now to take a 10 million mp photo of you both together with your combos and then email it to me pal.





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A nice bag there Gary buddy :thumbs:


It always pays to keep the rifle in the van dont it mate when at work?


Ive added you and Darryl to the DVD now mate.


I ideally need Darryl now to take a 10 million mp photo of you both together with your combos and then email it to me pal.





no bother si ill get him to do it this weekend mate ive got about 12mins of footage atm ill just keep adding the footage and send it all at once instead of drip n drabs mate


atb gary

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I ideally need Darryl now to take a 10 million mp photo of you both together with your combos and then email it to me pal.






Not a problem mate, however I don't thinly I'll be able to get it to you before christmas as ill have a lot of post photo editing to do on Gary before its suitable for public viewing.... ;)





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I ideally need Darryl now to take a 10 million mp photo of you both together with your combos and then email it to me pal.






Not a problem mate, however I don't thinly I'll be able to get it to you before christmas as ill have a lot of post photo editing to do on Gary before its suitable for public viewing.... ;)









.......... :icon_eek::icon_eek::laugh::laugh:

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I ideally need Darryl now to take a 10 million mp photo of you both together with your combos and then email it to me pal.






Not a problem mate, however I don't thinly I'll be able to get it to you before christmas as ill have a lot of post photo editing to do on Gary before its suitable for public viewing.... ;)






Hi Darrly,


Thanks mate, its just to go at the start of the DVD to replace the one i have of you both with your ear pieces in which isnt of very high quality in terms of mega pixels but i just used it to work out the space (time wise) that i needed for the next frames to be added mate.


Please try and get one of you both in the same photo like the one already is pal.


It will look ace once entered into the DVD.



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