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weird quirks and fobias

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Hi any of your hard killer machine dogs got any weird quirky ways or odd fears, i had a dog that was terrified of flies and cutlery banging together!! yet you could let a bomb off next to him and he couldn't care less!!, i now have a dog that is scared of the wind whistling through the house and doors banging, is this just a collie behaviour or do other crosses do things like this too!

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Guest born to run1083

My collie x yesterday got freaked by a office chair in the middle of the hill, she never did anything like that before just growled and creaped up to it. Really had her spooked lol did some weird things last few days , but today she's came in heat so I think this is what sent her little weird

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Mine HATES being wet, inside the house :blink:


Will walk for hours in the rain, swim, no problem, but soon as he passes through the door of the house, unless you immediately towel him down he goes MENTAL and starts to vault the furniture, do the wall of death around the lounge and run up and down the stares, jumping on and off the bed on route etc. . . . .


Not a problem unless someone unaware takes him for a walk in the rain :laugh:

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My dog hates the kitchen he isn't happy in there cos the trim on the bottom of the cuboards fell of on the wood floor he sh*t a brick it was a loud bang


plus he hates pop bottles he will attack them all night if he could

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best all round lurcher ive ever owned would take all game big and small never took a backward step in her life was petrified of my african grey parrot when it talked lol. and when it called bella which was her name she would run out of the room with her tail clamped tight between her legs.it was hilarious to watch when you knew just how game this bitch was .

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best all round lurcher ive ever owned would take all game big and small never took a backward step in her life was petrified of my african grey parrot when it talked lol. and when it called bella which was her name she would run out of the room with her tail clamped tight between her legs.it was hilarious to watch when you knew just how game this bitch was .


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My whippet bitch, about a year ago, got spooked by a tree in the middle of a park, she slammed her feet, barked growled and would not go withing 50 metres of it ! And another thing, she wont do a no.2 in her kennel, in our garden, in the house, on our street, on any street,

The only place she will drop a log is in a bush, or in woods.

Wierd dog!

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My bull x lad hates wheels if theyre coming towards him will walk next to a pram or a bike just doesnt like them coming head on.Hes got loads of little oddities the bitch is bombproof apart from if i hand the lead to someone else she goes mental refuses to move and screams to me to take the lead again even if im standing right next to her

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My whippet bitch, about a year ago, got spooked by a tree in the middle of a park, she slammed her feet, barked growled and would not go withing 50 metres of it ! And another thing, she wont do a no.2 in her kennel, in our garden, in the house, on our street, on any street,

The only place she will drop a log is in a bush, or in woods.

Wierd dog!

Funny i've got a dog thats similar......he wont do a shite on short grass, he has to be in the long stuff. He'll run the lenght of a football pitch into bushes before he goes on short grass........must be shy... :icon_redface: Had him on the beach once and he wouldn't go on the sand and waded out into the water, his arse was under the water at some points....i was pissing myself!!.... :laugh:

Same dog hates wheelie bins.......bloody terrified....... :laugh:

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