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Can Anyone Help?

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  On 28/06/2011 at 11:01, whippetwonder said:

My BullxWhippet has taken all the skin off one of his rear feet, I have tried Spray On Skin but it isn't working. Please can anyone one give me some serious suggestions to this problem, thank you. WW.


I had the same prob with one of mine - wash with epsom salts and water and then dip the foot twice a day in potassium permanganate (get it at the chemist)diluted with water. Did the trick fine for my pup. Makes white hair go brownish for a few days but it disappears!!! :thumbs:

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  On 28/06/2011 at 11:53, poacherspocket22 said:

Try Stockholm Hoof Tar but as and when you get time check a product out via the t'interweb called Tuf-foot from the States..ATB Andy. :thumbs:

good stuff that stockholm tar used it in the past on the stoppers tothumbs.gif

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