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You done anything as a once in a lifetime experience

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True story,I was in Cairo for a month kicking about,despite the camera-shots in holiday brochures showing the pyramids of Ghiza and the sphinx with a dramatic desert backdrop turn the camera around an

Well last year i walked Ben Nevis and raised a bit of money for the fiancee of one of my mates that took his own life. Dont think i'll ever do it again so i'd say that was a once in a life thing for m

When diving with hammer head and black tip reef sharks on the great barrier reef, sat on a mahoosive crocs back and survived being on the back of my dads bike doing 200mph I'd never do that again lol

  On 27/06/2011 at 15:00, CarraghsGem said:
  On 27/06/2011 at 14:48, rob190364 said:
  On 27/06/2011 at 13:48, CarraghsGem said:

stroked adult crocodiles in the gambia when i was about 7, rode a camel on the beach in kenya, surfed in senegal. had a drink with lemmy from motorhead when i was 18 when i gatecrashed the metal hammer golden gods awards, shot targets with a glock 17, loads of other stuff but where to start :hmm:

are you sure it was just a drink with lemmy? given his reputation :hmm:



aye, he had his eye on a blonde lass, i spent the night in a hotel with a couple of other disreputable characters :icon_redface:

good girl!

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I jumped a fence years ago chasing a fox on the lamp with the dog..i clipped the top wire with my foot and landed on a stump stuck a foot out the floor ribs first..needless to say the fox got away and i broke my rib's.. :cry: .. i deffinatly wont do that again.. :laugh: .

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Watched a tibetan sky burial,years ago when you were still allowed to spectate,and also fed the Komodo dragons a live goat,the authorities prohibited this so your not allowed to do that nowadays,quite a few things most of which are best kept from an open forum :angel:

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crashed my car a couple of months after passing my test, then crashed the courtesy car they gave me.....which was a 2009 golf tdi........into a bmw.......was a once in a lifetime experienced when i got home and explained to my parents.

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Trained in Kung Fu at the Shaolin Temple in China.

I am in a Jackie Chan movie,I was training in Lau Gar at the time,we filmed all day and you see me on screen walking past a fight dressed in victorian costume for all of a second :D

Met the Dali Lamma and shook his hand,spun the prayer wheels and chanted a bit of nam myoho renge kyo :laugh:

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Every time I dive it feels like a once in a lifetime experience,

flew a microlite!! brilliant !! recommend it.

Beenup a few mountains including Ben Nevis in zero vis,, won`t do that again,

Emptied a 50 ltr fuel tank and wasted a set of tyres in less than 70 miles!!! HA that was fun!

plenty more,, but I`m on my 12th 12 hr nightshift,,and ma brains fried!

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