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I have been asked how much i want to sell the canaries for, i said £10 per bird but it was too much?

I paid £45 for one pair and £30 for another so thought £10 per bird was cheap, i would hate to rip anyone off though so would like peoples opinions as to how much to charge please.

I did not breed to make money, and i am getting rid of all bar one hen and my 2 original cocks, i found it all very stressfull!!! But would like everyone else need money towards feed etc.

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sell them at a price you thinnk is fair :thumbs:



i payed a lot more than 10 per bird for my pair a glosters, an now my hen has died :thumbdown:



im just gonna keep the cock himself now, people dont relise how much time an effort goes into breeding these wee birds, its a hard job to do it properly like most things i guess....


so after all yer hard work, an money spent a 10er is nowt is it :thumbs:

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A tenner each is a fair price in my opinion even cheap!

Moll are you giving up breeding because you say you are keeping 2 cocks and 1 hen?

If you decide next spring to breed them once more you may be better keeping 2 hens and 1 cock....

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Bit of heart ruling my head i'm afraid Meroman. My 2 original boys plus a hen because she is so tame and trusting. The Corona male has not been interested in the ladies this year, so i am presuming she will be ok with these 2 boys?

Edited by Moll.
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If they moan over a well priced tenner then there'll moan about having to spend money on them if they get ill,or any of those extra things the birds need at times.Wouldn't sell them muck out the bottom of the cage if i were you to be honest Moll and from what a good mate says about your stock(the little chooks he's just got)i'm sure those birds are in first class order and well worth the tenner you asked and by the way i payed nigh on twenty pounds each for my own red factor hens.

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If they moan over a well priced tenner then there'll moan about having to spend money on them if they get ill,or any of those extra things the birds need at times.Wouldn't sell them muck out the bottom of the cage if i were you to be honest Moll and from what a good mate says about your stock(the little chooks he's just got)i'm sure those birds are in first class order and well worth the tenner you asked and by the way i payed nigh on twenty pounds each for my own red factor hens.


Thank you very much Fireman, would the chooks be the little buff trio from last weekend?


Over the moon they are happy with them :D

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Serama's. A young trio :D

Tell him they tame up lovely especially with live mealworms, and that the pullets could turn out to be good looking girls, the line they are from take a while to 'tighten up'. The cockerel for some reason i had no record of his parentage, so have no idea what he will turn out like. If he hatches any eggs he can get all sorts of colours from them (They go broody at the drop of a hat)


That has made my day thank you :D

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I can get a tenner a bird from the shops round here Moll. Only problem is I don't wanna sell my youngsters so I might just sell the older ones at the end of the season and start off with young birds next year for trying to mule with.

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moll i just sold 14 glosters,put em up at £10 each,got lots of messers from other ad sites,i told a lad £7 each he was there in 30mins, with the cash a good bloke,he took the lot no fuss and he went away with £8 back for a bit of luck,it aint always the money its the way folk come across :thumbs:

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