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Fantastic pictures! :good:

. In fact once I used two skins with the heads still on for a puppet show - had them in stitches but my neighbour was horrified :laugh: :laugh:



:laugh: I remember my dad doing that in our back garden when we were kids! :D We all thought it was hilarious but one of the neighbours kids was there & he went home and told his mum that my dad had killed a rabbit by ripping it's guts out and pulling it's head off.. icon_eek.gif:laugh: Luckily we knew the family well! :D:thumbs:

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nice pics, nice kids +dogs, my lad(24) been out all night, might see him tonight when he comes for is dinner :doh: great when they are young :yes:

True that is, my eldest son is as free as a bird now! been with him all his life but he has spread his wings now (girls beer freedom) its been very strange not having him with me all the time and i miss having him around, only another 4 to go lol..

Edited by MAIN MAN
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In fact once I used two skins with the heads still on for a puppet show - had them in stitches but my neighbour was horrified :laugh: :laugh:








I held the skins up and did a sort of Peter Rabbit sketch, where the rabbits panicked in high pitched voices when the Big Bad Lurcher was chasing them. I still laugh :laugh: Neighbour, tho, not so much :laugh:



Them kid's are flying away..i cant believe how much they have shot up since the last time i seen them.. :thumbs: ..the dog's look in fine fettle too.


They've changed so much Millet. And they ask about you an awful lot. There's pictures of you with them on my screen saver, so they don't forget the wacky bloke who drove the tractor! :laugh:


It's so friggin hot out today. I've been on laundry duty and just went out to see: one lurcher flaked on the grass, one whippet on the paving, one terrier in a coma under the hedge, and three kids scattered around the garden quietly amusing themselves with colouring, a DS, and a bottle of bubbles. Life, as they say, is grand when they're this age.

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