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My Whippet


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I must admit when i saw this topic and then the topic of the pups for sale i had to laugh, Its quite sad when folk have to talk there dogs up to sell the pups.


It's also sad when folk accuse you of injecting shite into your dogs because there toned and muscled, i know because folk have accused me of having my dogs on shite because there fit and muscled. What i will tell you is ask anyone who knows me and who's seen my dogs work, theres a couple who's commented on this thread who has done just that and both i'm sure would have any of my dogs in there kennel as i would theres. Thats because we have genuine dogs that have the heart of a lion and give 100% nothing more nothing less.


This is Mojito at 16 months old, light work with medium roadwork.



Vixen @ 30months worked hard mid season never had any supplements etc in her life





Mr mally, you are a professional 'CUN.T' :yes:

your staged photography, is a joke. :hmm:

for the ladies and gents on here, this f.ucker, is very cruel to his whippets, i wont go into detail, but i have heard, electric gets used from time to time.

make me sick you do. :thumbdown:

Your just a joke, YOU've feckin heard. i don't believe everything i hear.

Another of the brigade believing the lies of a sicko who has a personal vendetta with me and whom spread lies and shite about me and the dogs. I don't personally give a shite anyone who knows me and my dogs know the truth. Anyone who sees me and the dogs at the shows will see i kick feck out of them everyday (NOT!!). The bloke spreading these rumours is just a small minded prick who used to run saluki x's but couldn't compete with the big boys and was laughed off the fields. so has gone into whippets and is trying his luck at them instead. You call me cruel it wasn't me who posted pics up of a 9 month old whippet pup smashed up by a fox. The guy is just a jealous twat who can't stand seeing other folk with dogs in condition, just because i wouldn't jump and be a follower the prick. I say how it is if folk don't like it then they can stick it simple as that. What i will say is folk who do know me and who have been out working the dogs with me will tell you how i treat my dogs, they are treated for what they are members of my family. They know whats exceptable and are trained to a standard some only dream off thats because i spend time with them.

My dogs arn't just weekend warriors out once a fortnight for a run after the pub, feck off back to poachers rest with the rest off the tossers & don't comment on something you have heard if you want to speak about this post pm me and i will send you my number.

its been alledged that your a nauseating little maggot , its also been alledged that you like to frazzle young dogs till they piss themselves, , cos a few who know you will speak highly of you, but do they realy know you? your not exactly flavour of the month amongst your fellow whippet workers think its summit to do with there aint no smoke without fire// one things for sure you rate yourself highly with the statement" trained to a standard some only dream off " get real maggot boy


Alledged, alledged, personal insults, smoke without fire ?

What a pathetic attempt to discredit somebody, why don't you crawl back under your stone!

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Just out of intrest..what was your other username on here fella?

Not a very inteligent reply... I'll leave it to the members who read this post to make their own minds up who is defending a friend and who is spouting shite, passed to him by an areshole who doesn't

bit of cheap advertising credit to yer feller

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Cheers pal, i want another whippet, but unless you get the right lines, they usually turn out small and ratty, so ill stick to my own bred dogs off of that bitch

What do you mean are you trying to say your breed is above any other whippet your a moron
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whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

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Guest Manitoba

whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//

Edited by Manitoba
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Wow, ive just red the post fully, why do peopke seem to think im peddling this dog? I will never sell her.


Why do peopke think i will breed her like mad? I said id breed her 2 times 1 more time and thats it? And i will breed my pup 2 times aswell?


Im actually starting to think alot of people on here are jealous, this whippet is a full whippet, no bull, no double muscle gene, no roids ( jungle juice) just work and walks, thats all a dog needs


And for all you idiots who didnt take my post as sarcasm, YES I DO WORK HER!


Nobody said you were peddling her, just her puppies.


from you post page 1


"cheers lads! and sighthound123, she stands 22" tts

ive just had a litter of pups out of her, there in the for sale section !"


From your post page 7


"im not a peddler, i have had another account on here, i stopped using it and i needed to get back on to advertise the pups which i bred, so i donated £5 and advertised them. pretty sure im not the only person who has done that.


and oh if your wondering that saluki, does work, and does work well.


oh and that whippet, shes ripped to f**k but shes never seen a days work, pricks.


and guess what lads i bred this litter for personal use, and yes im keeping a pup, and yes i will work it, up until the aage of 3 then i will breed it, give it 2 years to recover breed it again give it 2 years 2 recover and breed it again. then i will retire it to be a house dog.


and what is a peddler to you guys? becuse to me its someone who buys and sells pups. i buy my dogs at 8 weeks and give them a home for life unlike alot of people on here, and WILF yes ive strted my own strain of plummer as when i bred my old bitch 5 years old we had to make a kennel name as we were keeping the pup as there was only 1. and after that the kennel name remains and it is our strain.


yours sincerely

Connaugh "


I would be very interested in your other account name? How many pups are you selling on that account from another bitch? How long are you thinking your bitch and her breeder pup will live if you say you'll only be breeding them twice but in your other post you said every 2 years? :blink:

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Wait a minute, you are right. That's what you said about that bitch. I must have been thinking about the sal/whip that you'll be breeding one year after another sorry my mistake. :thumbs:


page 2


"Ive been with saluki whippets working, just recently actually, and they are the ultimate allround dog, they take fur and teeth, mine have thrown more along the look of the saluki, dropped feathered ears, ill be keeping 1 mate, add me and ill keep pics on to show her coming on, and i will be breeding her again next year for my uncle and a friend who want a pup but cant get 1 yet, so in 12 months time if your still intrested and like how my pups came on, get yaself 1! And cheers "

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whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//

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whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//


You sound like a real prick ! Why are you prostituting yourself for you hero ?? Has he not got the balls to slag Mally off himself ?? You can f**k right off with the "electric" allegations !! I've known Mally for a good while, and his dogs are treated beter than 99% of peoples dogs !! You say "it may not be true" but you STILL keep making these unfounded, and frankly disgracefull allegetions !! You are a c**t, and if Mally was in good health, I'm sure he'd show you the errors of your way !! But, go on licking the arse of your hero !! Must make you feel like a big man !!

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Guest Manitoba

whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//


You sound like a real prick ! Why are you prostituting yourself for you hero ?? Has he not got the balls to slag Mally off himself ?? You can f**k right off with the "electric" allegations !! I've known Mally for a good while, and his dogs are treated beter than 99% of peoples dogs !! You say "it may not be true" but you STILL keep making these unfounded, and frankly disgracefull allegetions !! You are a c**t, and if Mally was in good health, I'm sure he'd show you the errors of your way !! But, go on licking the arse of your hero !! Must make you feel like a big man !!

so maggot boys mouthpiece gobs off with allegations, tut tut, sorry if i offended you with the word maggot you must find it so distressing :feck: you said you stayed at his house and he stayed at your house oh dear people might see this as a start of a relationship :thumbs: well they may alledge it :whistling:

Edited by Manitoba
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whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//


You sound like a real prick ! Why are you prostituting yourself for you hero ?? Has he not got the balls to slag Mally off himself ?? You can f**k right off with the "electric" allegations !! I've known Mally for a good while, and his dogs are treated beter than 99% of peoples dogs !! You say "it may not be true" but you STILL keep making these unfounded, and frankly disgracefull allegetions !! You are a c**t, and if Mally was in good health, I'm sure he'd show you the errors of your way !! But, go on licking the arse of your hero !! Must make you feel like a big man !!

so maggot boys mouthpiece gobs off with allegations, tut tut, sorry if i offended you with the word maggot you must find it so distressing :feck:


Not a very inteligent reply... I'll leave it to the members who read this post to make their own minds up who is defending a friend and who is spouting shite, passed to him by an areshole who doesn't have the bottle to do it himself !!

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Guest Manitoba

whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//


You sound like a real prick ! Why are you prostituting yourself for you hero ?? Has he not got the balls to slag Mally off himself ?? You can f**k right off with the "electric" allegations !! I've known Mally for a good while, and his dogs are treated beter than 99% of peoples dogs !! You say "it may not be true" but you STILL keep making these unfounded, and frankly disgracefull allegetions !! You are a c**t, and if Mally was in good health, I'm sure he'd show you the errors of your way !! But, go on licking the arse of your hero !! Must make you feel like a big man !!

so maggot boys mouthpiece gobs off with allegations, tut tut, sorry if i offended you with the word maggot you must find it so distressing :feck: you said you stayed at his house and he stayed at your house oh dear people might see this as a start of a relationship :thumbs: well they may alledge it :whistling:

:icon_eek:sorry mate you jumped in before i added a bit on for you

Edited by Manitoba
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whos the mouthpiece me or you? for someone who is so very ill he sure likes to slag off folk who aint on here to answer , if you trust him to look after your dogs thats your choice / me i wouldnt trust him to run a bath/


I'm speaking up for a friend, someone who's house I've stayed at, who's stayed at my house, who I've hunted with, someone who has done nothing but good turns for me and many others !! You are slagging someone off on "alleged" hearsay..........

manitoba you are just repeating what gallagher has said in the past,so its ok for him to slagg mally off on other forums but not ok for mally to say anything against little darren on here.

arr poor uno wondered when youd appear :thumbs: i,l set the record straight here ,it wasnt maggot boys adversery that brought the electric allegations to the fore/ shepp the reason i used alledged is because it may not be true? but were all big boys who make thier own choices in life in what we conclude from such allegations// forgot to add the whippets in this thread are very smart dogs//


You sound like a real prick ! Why are you prostituting yourself for you hero ?? Has he not got the balls to slag Mally off himself ?? You can f**k right off with the "electric" allegations !! I've known Mally for a good while, and his dogs are treated beter than 99% of peoples dogs !! You say "it may not be true" but you STILL keep making these unfounded, and frankly disgracefull allegetions !! You are a c**t, and if Mally was in good health, I'm sure he'd show you the errors of your way !! But, go on licking the arse of your hero !! Must make you feel like a big man !!

so maggot boys mouthpiece gobs off with allegations, tut tut, sorry if i offended you with the word maggot you must find it so distressing :feck: you said you stayed at his house and he stayed at your house oh dear people might see this as a start of a relationship :thumbs: well they may alledge it :whistling:

:icon_eek:sorry mate you jumped in before i added a bit on for you


Don't you realise what a c**t you're making of yourself ?? Last reply from me, people can make their own minds up.

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