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outdoor indoor cage

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ive seen things similar at pets from home maybe even better for like 50 quid.

there shite from there if you get teh cheap ones..i got a hutch from there just to see me over for a while and had to reinforce the bottom, and make other modifications to it as it wouldnt fit together propley.. only had 1 ferret in it lol

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Pets at home hutches are shot. I had one hob in mine and like col said I had to reinforce the floor and botch putting it together. Get one made, they are a million times stronger ad worth the money over time

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had 1 when i only had 1 ferret but ferrets can be messy little gits when they wont too be and there shit made and not escape proof trust me lost a jill in the house a few times always in the smallest hard too reach places ie in the sofa not under it or on the cushions but in the dam thing but saying that was good fun when they have a lot room too sniff about and every thing and evry new thing is exciting too play with but far too much hassle in the house get a joiner too build u a hucth or buy 1 of build 1 or look about for a smaller shed too convert thats what i done

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had 1 when i only had 1 ferret but ferrets can be messy little gits when they wont too be and there shit made and not escape proof trust me lost a jill in the house a few times always in the smallest hard too reach places ie in the sofa not under it or on the cushions but in the dam thing but saying that was good fun when they have a lot room too sniff about and every thing and evry new thing is exciting too play with but far too much hassle in the house get a joiner too build u a hucth or buy 1 of build 1 or look about for a smaller shed too convert thats what i done


I'm working on my shed now for my kits when they are big enough. :thumbs:

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converting sheds are the best way ive found depending on how many u keep just rember if ur only going too have 1 door put a bit of board along the door way so when u go too open the door u have not got ferrets all running for the same door way too get out that way u can change food and bedding alot easier then trying too round up ferrets that keep trying too escape and dont put a level too close too the door when u need too get too clean and knock ur self on ur head every time ur cleaning abit of planning ahead can save a lot of hassle as i found out lol

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