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How did you get into lurchers and running dogs?

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When I was 10 or so I seen my dads album of the hunting he had down over the years and just kept on til I was old enough to get out with a dog

Through this bellend :)

But just love the look of the dogs everything about them the way they run and how affectionate they are

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allways wanted a lurcher then one mornin when my dad and i were out deer stalkin one morning met a lad out with a few hounds got talking some how lurchers came into the convo said he had a 5 month old deerxgrey back to wheatonxgrey said he didn t want the pup and gave it to me his 2 now and doing all game and im after getting 2 more lurchers :D

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Used to go with my mate when we were 10/11/12ish to chase rabbits in a local graveyard with his whippet - gravedigger used to chase us and we were terrified of him. So both the thrill of chasing and being chased was probably something you never forgot!!!

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cant ever remember not having one around used to go ratting and mouching about from about 6 or 7 yrsold with a whippet and load of mongrels out of the square where i lived it was the stack square used in ther tv series coal house .not many rabbits about then but alive with rats lol.got 3 at the mo all saluki crosses .

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I was burn into the lurcher game went every were with my dad and his mates hunting they showed me the rops and what to do and what not to do my dad showed me how to train a lurcher and to work one and care for one and he showed me how to snare, shoot, long neting and showed me how to make first net when I was 12 years old and in the summer months we went fishing all I can say I was lucky to have a dad like that now im a dad and I will be showing my kids the game as my dad did for me :thumbs:

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been around running dogs since the day i was born. i was out in the field as soon as i was big enough to keep up. my old man used to have a dog that wouldnt bring the rabbits back my job was to run and fetch every rabbit of the dog.


i supose its all part of the apprenticeship.


keeping lurchers runs in the family so to speak.



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i started off with ferrets got myself a couple of dvds on one of them i saw chipper smith running his dog on the moors two weeks later i had my first lurcher now nothing compares to seeing a dog doing what it was bread to do

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got my first ferret when i was about 7 then got aspaniel at about the age of 10/11 then a jack russel at 12 shes a grate wee moocher with a grate nose but shes out of action now with a slipd disc in her back and now i have my 2 lurcher pups all within all whithin about 7 years and i now have 4 ferrets i have had to teach my self everything from snearing to ferreting as i had nobody to teach me :)

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