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just wondering..

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I know its not unusual behaviour but why do ferrets drag there food to their beds?.. once hutch involves climbing and squeezing to get from one side to the other.. i always make sure i put a rabbit on the side his bowl is (for dry food).. yet he will spend 5+ minuts dragging this rabbit to his bed.. same with the other ferret.. he wil drag it from the dog and push it into his bedding area


just cleaned them out and watched them do it and got curious why they do this.. kinda funny sometimes

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i was wondering the same,today i watched one jill try drag some rabbit upto next level to sleeping area as the other jill kept hold of it trying to eat lol,or it could be the chuckle sisters lol to me to you...

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Survival and ease mate.


If you found some grub, lying about, would you leave it there and hope it stayed put for you to come back to, or would you take it home?


And would you rather walk out to get food, or roll over in bed?


Any animal will do it, dogs take stuff back to their baskets etc.

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I thought thats what it was, honestly though I just didnt think it would be too bothered about it seeing as there both in seperate hutches... gives them summit to cuddle at least o.0....


cheers for clearing it up

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