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The Famous Jock Reid

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Came across this tonight and thought i would share it with you lads. This was the funeral of Jock Reid from Fife a few years ago. Jock died from a heart attack as a young man. Jocks dogs were marched to the end of the street in front of the hearse. He will always be remembered by myself and a lot of others for teaching us how it should be done. Jock brought more to the Terrier world than most folk will ever dream about. R.I.P. Jock.


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Mair moleskins than black suits :thumbs:

It was seemingly Jocks wish that should anything happen to him then everyone was to wear kilts or hunting attire to his funeral and his good lady wife invited myself to wear the kilt whilst walking one of his dogs in front of the hearse. It was the biggest funeral i have ever attended and people came from all over the world to send him off. Jock never had a bad word to say about anyone and would always be one of the first to help if you or your dog were to become stuck in any way. What a way to go eh?, Del.

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Came across this tonight and thought i would share it with you lads. This was the funeral of Jock Reid from Fife a few years ago. Jock died from a heart attack as a young man. Jocks dogs were marched to the end of the street in front of the hearse. He will always be remembered by myself and a lot of others for teaching us how it should be done. Jock brought more to the Terrier world than most folk will ever dream about. R.I.P. Jock.




I'm sure he could not have asked or a better send off.

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My family know that when i go, There will be a huntsman on horse with a full pack of hounds riding down the stree in front of the hearse and then onto the crematorium to blow gone away. I will be wearing my hunting attire and my scarlet coat and riding boots. My ashes will then be split in half and my son will take half to Georgia and scatter over the Midland foxhounds grub whilst the other half will be scattered on Fife foxhounds grub. In my mind, i will then hunt all over GB and USA. May sound strange to some but this is my wish. I only learned to ride over a year ago and hunted on horse for a season to prove to myself that i could do it.I had never before this time, sat on a horse in my life. Anyone else got strange plans ?, Del.


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I remember the day well, myself, Alex Cairnie, Chris Hamilton and Tam Finnigan etc: from Neilston Working Dog Association also attended Jock's funeral to pay our respects at the sudden loss of of our friend! the procession was one of the most poignant things I'd ever witnessed I also remember see'ing a Jack Russell in some-ones car looking looking totally lost and forlorn as if it's whole world had changed without explanation (weird), although a sad day it was tinged with very happy memories of a terrific guy, I also seem to remember! I think it was Mathew Parr? gave a terrific and touching eulogy, at the hotel after after the funeral


A fine tribute for a fine man


RIP Jock!!




Came across this tonight and thought i would share it with you lads. This was the funeral of Jock Reid from Fife a few years ago. Jock died from a heart attack as a young man. Jocks dogs were marched to the end of the street in front of the hearse. He will always be remembered by myself and a lot of others for teaching us how it should be done. Jock brought more to the Terrier world than most folk will ever dream about. R.I.P. Jock.


Edited by Foxgun Tom
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We were there me my old man Peter Elliot met up with Barrie Wade sad day my old man has old photies of Jock winning at Bellahouston many moons

ago but he reckons They had some brilliant times in the Royal Oak in Wigton the night before the NWTF agm where the guys from the SWTC swapped stories with the F&Kwtc contingent. Tall stories funny stories and downright lies lots of drink and much hilarity were the order of the day till it was down to serious business, My old man and Jnr reckon they were Priveleged to hunt in the times that they did on a personal note I remember us Weegies ripping the pish oot the Fifers and Vice Versa camping at Scone in 2ooo.RIP jock :notworthy:

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Jock always made me feel welcome at anything he organised,but rib the pish out of me for having BLACK'N'TANS,white dogs wheren't for me I,d say.He's probably looking down on saying what the F***k you got there wee man ?a could have got ye a couple a good Russsels ! My Reply TOO FAR !!!! the Whites bad enough . :laugh::laugh:


I'll second that jock and his wife made you feel comfortable whether at there home or a show , and at the shows Jock loved to rib people but this was never taken to heart as it was just criac him and his loud haler ;)


RIP Jock

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He wouldave been a Grandad in two weeks.

I remember the time he ripped me because i sat on the outside of the show ring eating a huge steak pie out of the ashet because it was the only one the butcher had. I took some ribbing that day but the one thing you could be sure about was that it was all in jest.

Many moons ago, at an earth, Jock had dug down to find his beloved dog had suffocated due to a cave in and he removed it from the hole along with what he thought was a dead fox. The tired and NOT dead fox suddenly shot up and took off and Jock chased it through the woods and as it ran up a steep banking towards the road he dived on it, grabbing it by the neck and throttled it for what it had done to his dog. We could all probably write a book on stories or days out with Jock and if anyone would like to share these great times or photographs of old, I would be only to happy to collect them all together, yis Del.




Jock Reid was the founder member of the region, the first regional chairman and more recently the President of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain. In fact it is difficult to mention the Jack Russell Club of Great Britain in Scotland without thinking of Jock Reid - he was someone whose enthusiasm for the club and the terrier knew no bounds. Jock was ever present through the regions ups and downs; he was quick to offer support, advice and assistance whenever it was needed.


Jocks contributions to the terrier world are endless and his enthusiasm for the Jack Russell could be seen no more clearly than when he judged the National Show in 2003, Jock was a superb ambassador for the club.

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