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Rapid MK 2 Lefthand Drive.

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Looking good Daz :thumbs:


What you going to do stick a Twink on it?


I bet a Twink would quieten the Demon just perfect mate.


You shot it yet pal? whats it group like? I reckon little finger nail size groups at 35 yards without really trying pal with 1 hole groups trying hard.



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Looking good Daz :thumbs:


What you going to do stick a Twink on it?


I bet a Twink would quieten the Demon just perfect mate.


You shot it yet pal? whats it group like? I reckon little finger nail size groups at 35 yards without really trying pal with 1 hole groups trying hard.






Hi Si,


Didn't get back from BAR till Late as Lloyd was phoning Theoben to post to my Home Address the Quickfill adaptor that they had forget to package with Gun.

Talking to one of the Rapid Lad's and might be getting a custom Silencer next week, If not will either get the Twink or HW Mod.

Not zeroed it yet as by time i got home with Traffic just haven't had the time, Especially playing with all the kit i bought for it.

But shes as Smooth as a Babys bum. Pushing out 11.7 ft lbs with Bisley mags, 11.2 ft lbs Daystate LI, 11.4 ft lb AA Field, so will have a go tonight after work.biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


regards Daz.diablo.gif

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