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mine are just on crap biscuits, dried meat & pasta at the min, but there not going anywere or gettin worked through the summer months. when the season starts they will be on eukanuba, raw meat or dried meat & pasta or brown bread.. :thumbs:

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My Mate always rears his pups on eukanuba and swears by it

mine are just on crap biscuits, dried meat & pasta at the min, but there not going anywere or gettin worked through the summer months. when the season starts they will be on eukanuba, raw meat or dried meat & pasta or brown bread.. :thumbs:

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Imo Eukanuba is over priced shyte. Compare the ingredients to your average priced dog food and you'll see it's no better. But you pay double for it.


Mine get raw meat of varying kinds, veg, tripe, butcher scraps, cod liver oil, pilchards in tomato sauce, and plain old cheap-ass biscuits :thumbs:

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