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proberbly is a lot that dont know,,,esecialy young lads new to it,,, but we all have to lern somwhere,, theres allways a first time for evrybody , and if you aint seen one go over befor, feck it looks

sounds to me like that dog got hypoglysemia not jacked ,,, its blood sugar has gotten to low for the amount of running that was asked of it.... not evry dog has the same amount of wind in the tank, af

leave it in a field lol i see baldrick liked your comment.that makes sense,a couple of arseholes together.you and baldrick like to quote "proper dog men" tbh you wouldnt know a dog man if you tripped

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I love the way if a dog does not work out people think its OK to pass there shit on to pet homes or dump them at the nearest kennels.Why don't people do the RIGHT think keep it and look after it or put it to sleep and stop passing them on.Out off sight out off mind l think the saying is sad really.

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Define 'jackers' tho ... I'd like to hear thoughts on that. If a dog jacks, depending on the circumstance, how many people actually question the reason for it. Further how many people are responsible for the dog jacking, ie bad training, poor conditioning, exhaustion, impossible slips, etc.


In answer to your question iceman, they're probably clogging up the pounds and rescues, or buried with a spade shaped dint in their skulls. :thumbdown:

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  On 23/06/2011 at 02:18, bazilbrush said:

its hard to just get rid sometimes because the dog/bitch spews on a rabbit.

most are family pets as well loved by the wife and children,but there are exceptionally people out there who are ruthless when it comes to just ditching there pets and you sound like one,


just keep trying with them they might come back around :thumbs:


Harpie :laugh::feck:


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  On 23/06/2011 at 06:39, iceman001979 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 00:47, six pointer said:

if a dog jacked on me it wud be gone , who has fcked a jacker out of his kennel; i havv :thumbdown:

So where all these jackers now?????

thats y they is loads off shit going about mate what makes u piss bet they try sellin them as well :wallbash:

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i had 1 years ago but it jacked cause it was pushed beyond its limit didnt get rud though just rested it an it came good an it did tons of work for me i just knew its limitations few people have worked a dog as hard as he was :thumbs:

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Depends on why it jacked. Could have been exhausted and physically incapable of running any more or it could have injured itself. If it literally can't be arsed to run then I probably wouldn't work it any more. I have 3 dogs and as long as one of them does the job I'm happy. I can't see my saluki x ever jacking as if I don't call him back he will try and dig them out the hole if they get there before he catches them and my other 2 haven't been worked yet so will find out if they are any good when the season starts.

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Depends on how and on what it jacked?

With toothed quarry it may just get too much work for it to handle? some of the scooby boys will be putting several in front of a dog a night, most nights of the week. Not many dog's can take that kind of strain so would give up, but for most of us if we had the same dog we would never test them that hard so we'd never find out if they'd jack or not?

Then again, some dogs just don't like getting bitten.

As for Rabbits, I didn't realise dogs would jack on them??? Do they just stop running them or what?

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