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best age to breed from bitch

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  On 23/06/2011 at 07:58, iceman001979 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:07, lab-tastic said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:02, iceman001979 said:

People need to read what the girl said before you all jump on the puppy band wagon.Sad really that someone asked for advice and had too take so much shit. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

I dont think its just shit to be fair. Maybe it was just a question but theres to many folk just dying for there bitch to reach an age so they can breed and get pups, never mind if the dog is useless and the pounds are full of pups anyway.... :icon_eek: Maybe a short sharp tongue lashing on THL might make folk think twice that pumping out pups is no the best way too go..... :thumbs:

She only asked when would be the best time to breed her bitch and instead off some advice she has to take that shit.

She has a young dog there and by the sounds off it it will get worked and well looked after and further down the line she will take pups out off her and keep one back for herself nothing wrong with that.

Only bit off advice l can give is if your going to breed your bitch down the line make sure you have homes before the litter comes because it can turn into night mare. :thumbs: And take most things on here with a pinch salt.

Hate to see l any young people come on here and get advice they be out off the game before they have even started :wallbash:

Thanks yet again iceman, glad someones got sense, rerally appreciate your kind words, i give up!! I would have come back to this site for advise on preperation if i did decide to breed from her but i think i will give it a miss!! I like this site to as we don't have any lurcher folk as such to chat with near us, so nice to get other opinions.

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Do you really need to breed "just one litter"? Does anybody?   A check round the net today gives:   59 lurchers for sale on Epupz 115 lurchers for sale on FreeAds 276 lurchers for sale on Prelov

No, course not. Don't you worry about it.   They were all brought down from the skies in showers of rainbows by the lurcher fairy.

Some of us didn't give you advice at all; we gave you information and left you to work it out for yourself.   For some reason everybody - and this is not a dig at you - seems to think that their own

Well am sorry if your looking for a pat on the back and not some reality then this is not the place for you. Very few are genuine friends on here so if you direct a question like you did about pups and you have no clue yet on how your dog will turn out then be prepared to take some constructive critism.

By the way i'm not having a pop, not in the slightest am just saying it how i see it just like many others will on here..... :thumbs:

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you have asked a question, in the lurcher section about when to mate your lurcher bitch.

ask your self this, if you want to breed a good worker, what would you look for?

personally, i would look for these below, after 4 to 6 hard crafted seasons:


1. good strike

2. high catch rate.

3. high prey drive that gets used well.

4. brains.

5. no nasty habits, like barking/yapping after all game.

6. no bad behavior problems, like being timid, barking constant, aggressiveness ect.

7. take most game without much fuss.

8. consistent

9. controlled speed


their is more i am sure, but if your lurcher does not have all these and more, then i dont think you should breed, just because she looks good. :blink:

to me, it sounds like you just want to eventually breed, another pet.

its a shame that at one time, the lurcher, was regarded, as a working dog, HJKC. :(

Edited by Blue one
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  On 23/06/2011 at 08:23, lurchergirl2 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:58, iceman001979 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:07, lab-tastic said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:02, iceman001979 said:

People need to read what the girl said before you all jump on the puppy band wagon.Sad really that someone asked for advice and had too take so much shit. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

I dont think its just shit to be fair. Maybe it was just a question but theres to many folk just dying for there bitch to reach an age so they can breed and get pups, never mind if the dog is useless and the pounds are full of pups anyway.... :icon_eek: Maybe a short sharp tongue lashing on THL might make folk think twice that pumping out pups is no the best way too go..... :thumbs:

She only asked when would be the best time to breed her bitch and instead off some advice she has to take that shit.

She has a young dog there and by the sounds off it it will get worked and well looked after and further down the line she will take pups out off her and keep one back for herself nothing wrong with that.

Only bit off advice l can give is if your going to breed your bitch down the line make sure you have homes before the litter comes because it can turn into night mare. :thumbs: And take most things on here with a pinch salt.

Hate to see l any young people come on here and get advice they be out off the game before they have even started :wallbash:

Thanks yet again iceman, glad someones got sense, rerally appreciate your kind words, i give up!! I would have come back to this site for advise on preperation if i did decide to breed from her but i think i will give it a miss!! I like this site to as we don't have any lurcher folk as such to chat with near us, so nice to get other opinions.


Some of us didn't give you advice at all; we gave you information and left you to work it out for yourself.


For some reason everybody - and this is not a dig at you - seems to think that their own "one litter" doesn't count towards the statistics, it's everybody else's causing the problems. In an ideal world, yes you would find homes for all the puppies. In real life you will be surprised how many people will get pregnant/lose their jobs/find their child has an allergy/have a holiday booked/just plain change their minds, between saying "yes" to a pup and the pups arriving. And a look at some of the ads will show you just how many pups get passed on in their first few months - weeks, even - of life; for some it doesn't stop there and they go on from pillar to post most of their lives.


If you're going to do it ethically and responsibly, it's nowhere near as simple as some of the people on here would have you believe. But you were responsible enough to ask in the first place and I'm sorry you feel "got at". It is, however, something you really, really need to think about before you do it, and I think if you'd asked the question on pretty much any dog-related forum you'd have got pretty much the same kind of answers, maybe worded more politely but in some cases much worse!


Put simply there are too many dogs being bred; particularly lurchers, which are to put it bluntly a crossbreed dog with a relatively small niche market and an out-of-proportion representation in the pounds and rescues. If it were possible to somehow engineer the birth of "just one pup to keep" without the seven or eight others being born, I'd say go right ahead; but it isn't.

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  On 23/06/2011 at 13:38, Fabapocalypse said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 08:23, lurchergirl2 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:58, iceman001979 said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:07, lab-tastic said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:02, iceman001979 said:

People need to read what the girl said before you all jump on the puppy band wagon.Sad really that someone asked for advice and had too take so much shit. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

I dont think its just shit to be fair. Maybe it was just a question but theres to many folk just dying for there bitch to reach an age so they can breed and get pups, never mind if the dog is useless and the pounds are full of pups anyway.... :icon_eek: Maybe a short sharp tongue lashing on THL might make folk think twice that pumping out pups is no the best way too go..... :thumbs:

She only asked when would be the best time to breed her bitch and instead off some advice she has to take that shit.

She has a young dog there and by the sounds off it it will get worked and well looked after and further down the line she will take pups out off her and keep one back for herself nothing wrong with that.

Only bit off advice l can give is if your going to breed your bitch down the line make sure you have homes before the litter comes because it can turn into night mare. :thumbs: And take most things on here with a pinch salt.

Hate to see l any young people come on here and get advice they be out off the game before they have even started :wallbash:

Thanks yet again iceman, glad someones got sense, rerally appreciate your kind words, i give up!! I would have come back to this site for advise on preperation if i did decide to breed from her but i think i will give it a miss!! I like this site to as we don't have any lurcher folk as such to chat with near us, so nice to get other opinions.


Some of us didn't give you advice at all; we gave you information and left you to work it out for yourself.


For some reason everybody - and this is not a dig at you - seems to think that their own "one litter" doesn't count towards the statistics, it's everybody else's causing the problems. In an ideal world, yes you would find homes for all the puppies. In real life you will be surprised how many people will get pregnant/lose their jobs/find their child has an allergy/have a holiday booked/just plain change their minds, between saying "yes" to a pup and the pups arriving. And a look at some of the ads will show you just how many pups get passed on in their first few months - weeks, even - of life; for some it doesn't stop there and they go on from pillar to post most of their lives.


If you're going to do it ethically and responsibly, it's nowhere near as simple as some of the people on here would have you believe. But you were responsible enough to ask in the first place and I'm sorry you feel "got at". It is, however, something you really, really need to think about before you do it, and I think if you'd asked the question on pretty much any dog-related forum you'd have got pretty much the same kind of answers, maybe worded more politely but in some cases much worse!


Put simply there are too many dogs being bred; particularly lurchers, which are to put it bluntly a crossbreed dog with a relatively small niche market and an out-of-proportion representation in the pounds and rescues. If it were possible to somehow engineer the birth of "just one pup to keep" without the seven or eight others being born, I'd say go right ahead; but it isn't.



Experience tells me nicely nicely doesn't get you anywhere. Bull in a China shop all the way me. :icon_redface:

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  On 23/06/2011 at 07:16, lurchergirl2 said:

thanks iceman, I am so glad someone is able to read what i said and understand it as a simple question, to all others don't put me in the same catergory as people that are breeding for the sake off it, i am def not desparate for my bitch to reach breeding age so i can farm out loads of puppies, i have never breed before and think my bitch has potential to breed some cracking pups if i can find the right stud dog for her, i will think twice before asking any questions on this site again, its a shame as some of you are very genuine and give great advice and i love reading your advice to others, shame , shame :(

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  On 23/06/2011 at 07:49, lurchergirl2 said:

It is my personal opinion and i am going on her conformation and excellent trainablility, as i say it is my own opinion, i an possibly breeding from her to have a pup for my self and of course i would ensure homes for the rest of the litter first, as i say i may decide not to have any pups yet will see what the future brings :tongue2:


Breeding a litter is all about personal preference/standards and reasons. MY personal opinion is that there are far too many litters for sale, most of these are from sub-standard parents in my opinion and the reason so many dogs are passed around with no respect is because most are pot lickers. This isn't a dig at you personally, not at all and personally i would never breed a litter of lurchers because a bitch had good conformation and trainability. Im planning on having a litter from my dogs, the bitch is 5 this year and has proved herself working over many seasons and my dog is around 10 and has had a hard working life over many seasons, to me these are the sort of dogs that should be bred off, breeding from tested working parents increases the chances of getting a good working pup, and again why am i breeding? Certainly not for money, its so i can keep a pup back and any close friends are welcome to a pup too..........

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  On 24/06/2011 at 21:14, Simoman said:
  On 23/06/2011 at 07:49, lurchergirl2 said:

It is my personal opinion and i am going on her conformation and excellent trainablility, as i say it is my own opinion, i an possibly breeding from her to have a pup for my self and of course i would ensure homes for the rest of the litter first, as i say i may decide not to have any pups yet will see what the future brings :tongue2:


Breeding a litter is all about personal preference/standards and reasons. MY personal opinion is that there are far too many litters for sale, most of these are from sub-standard parents in my opinion and the reason so many dogs are passed around with no respect is because most are pot lickers. This isn't a dig at you personally, not at all and personally i would never breed a litter of lurchers because a bitch had good conformation and trainability. Im planning on having a litter from my dogs, the bitch is 5 this year and has proved herself working over many seasons and my dog is around 10 and has had a hard working life over many seasons, to me these are the sort of dogs that should be bred off, breeding from tested working parents increases the chances of getting a good working pup, and again why am i breeding? Certainly not for money, its so i can keep a pup back and any close friends are welcome to a pup too..........


Spot on. :thumbs:

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What about syndication? If you have a bitch that works then maybe see if you can find folk that want a pup first?


Start a thread here with the proposed sire and dam and once you have potential buyers proceed with the mating.

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