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My butcher does a good selection of sausages, i would send you a couple of each but i have no idea how i would keep them from going mankey in the post, any ideas anyone :laugh:

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make your own :laugh:


we rarely eat burgers in this house, due to the shite they put in burgers and sausage's.


Christmas i got bought a mincer and now i make my own bunny burgers ;)


you can buy mincers with a sausage making attachment :big_boss:

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we got sick of eating the crap they sell in supermarkets/butchers all the off cuts and chemicly reclaimed stuff that includes ears, snoiuts, penises, anuses ect ect (sounds like something out of i'm a celebrity?)


anyway wanting good quality sausages that we knew what was in them meant we went down the route of makling our own.


here are a few pics of our home made pork & Pork/beef, nothing better than being able to enjoy without worrying about hard bits and wondering what it is?


making pork sausage.






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Guest Lurcherbitch
My father owns a butchers, and makes lovely sausage! Even got him to make me some game with chilli and garlic spices a month ago, the best tasting sausage i've ever had! :tongue2:


Shame your so far away!



Yummy!!! is worth the journey up....how much is it for a bb in that area :clapper:

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we got sick of eating the crap they sell in supermarkets/butchers all the off cuts and chemicly reclaimed stuff that includes ears, snoiuts, penises, anuses ect ect (sounds like something out of i'm a celebrity?)


anyway wanting good quality sausages that we knew what was in them meant we went down the route of makling our own.


here are a few pics of our home made pork & Pork/beef, nothing better than being able to enjoy without worrying about hard bits and wondering what it is?


making pork sausage.






They look lovely and yes aggree about all the crap that goes into supermarket sausages

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