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ROTO light ??????

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They are worth having for Shooting mate. I have been out on my own many times with one on the Land Rover and they can be a 'Godsend'. A little slow for Dogs, but fine for the Guns. I have the remote model and when the wind is up with the Rain you can sit inside and 'cover' the Field with the Window up until you are ready to shoot.

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Thinking of getting one of them there rotating spotlights to put on the truck. Figure it would be quite handy for rifle shooting rabbit and fox. especially since i started outside lambing this week. any comments, are they worth getting hold of or not ???????

We are currently half way through lambing 2500,I have used many a lamp and still do ,for lamb killer fid my night vision sights mounted on the top of my 22 semi auto is the business,would not mind investing in one of those robo lights how much are they.

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Guest oldskool

my mate bought one for the top of his van... it goes well for a while but then it heats up and slows way way down... i dont know where he got it but he ended up stuck with it because they wouldnt do a return.... is it just his or is that a common fault in them???

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Overall not a bad bit of kit.

Very useful for shooting from the truck, either by myself or with someone else driving and me doing the scanning / shooting. With the light above and behind it works a treat no shadowing on the scope. The suction mount is very strong and hasnt scratched the roof yet unlike magnetic mounts. The low power bulb is good enough for using with the 22, not too bright to spook things, good enough to see by, and good enough to work by without being blinding.

The red filter is ****ing useless, too many gaps where it clicks into place so white light pours through and obscures the red.

After a while the left/right action got a bit slow, after stripping it to bits i found it was packing grease clogging up the worm drive, and the little motor not being man enough to power through it, a quick rinse with degreaser did the trick though.

As for the vertical rotation, whats the point? 90degrees would have been ample, havent figurred out what im going to shoot right up in the sky at night yet.

For the money i paid for it and the job which i wanted it for is ideally suited to what i want

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  • 1 year later...

not to bad i have tacken mine to pices and greased up the two faces that it turnes on and the switch seems to be much better alway take a back up lamp

yo all know what i mean


i live on the idear if i take it then i dont need it

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