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My terrier seemed slow to start - she was over 1 before she really got going. I've learned to trust her, if she doesn't push through it's probably because there's nothing there, because if there ARE rabbits in the cover she piles in and works her socks off flushing them to the lurchers. My main training task was teaching commands so I could have some control over her when she was working rather than having to encourage her to do it....


Ps, I actually did once pick her up and throw her at a rat she'd missed and she didn't know what the f**k I was doing and just looked confused! I was told later you should never do it but I just got carried away with excitement :icon_redface:

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mate just keep at her ,at the moment the cover is at it's heaviest and it is hard work for some of the most seasoned bushing terriers but this time of year has one advantage of a lot of young rabbits about that should bring her on and come the winter when the cover has died off she should be going wellthumbs.gif

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Experience, Exposure, and seeing an older more experienced dog do it. You can't 'make them' you can only encourage them. My dog would look at me like i'm a bellend (not far wrong) if i try to get him into empty cover, but put a rabbit/bird in there and i can't stop him for love nor money.

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my does the same too she also chases rabbits but then stops when they run into the hedges my dogs 10 months old weather that has anything to do with it or not and lack of experience maybe


my russell bitch does same mate and she turns a year old at weekend just hopein shes a late starter

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