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saluki based lurchers

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Just av never had a dog with any saluki in. Av been told they have selective hearing and do. What they want not whats been told of them. Also my pup is 14 weeks old and very head strong and shakes every think how will a get him to stop doing it or will he grow out of it

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they do make good crosses if they are out of the right stuff and have had the work put into them, what you put in is what you get out

I am leaning more and more in favour of saluki cross dogs, but i course hares in a desert so it makes sense for me. They do bring toughness especially in the feet and have great stamina and heat resis

the saluki blood crossed into the collie/grey has improved, the running ability, more Stamina, a faster recovery, rate, and stronger feet, this is all for Edible game, the Saluki, is little more temp

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Yours sounds like a good mix for an all rounder. Mine contains all the breds yours does, except the saluki, which would help him in the one aspect he is unable to pull off, a S/D/T/Hare

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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?

Edited by inan
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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?

Depends on how much saluki in the dog and l take it you have never had one because only people who have not had one or seen one work would say what you did.

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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?

you are talking absolute rubbish, it is quite clear you do not wish to improve your running dog/lurcher,

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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?


I know just what you mean Inan: bloody useless dogs all round aren't they: makes you wonder why so many died in the wool hunting people insist on keeping them :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:

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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?


:laugh: ..that is why you have one for ferreting ect :D

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Saluki based lurchers, do they make good lamping dogs all quary (pre ban). Baiscaly alrounders.

Whats your views on these :)

Atb maitland

No , they are far too slow ,they need prairies to run on,are slow to turn ,and only catch their prey after running them to exhaustion in marathons,not only that ,but they cannot jump, or handle cover.Totally unsuitable as a base for any sort of general purpose hunter.They are also boring to watch, and unbiddable.

Does that about cover it?


I know just what you mean Inan: bloody useless dogs all round aren't they: makes you wonder why so many died in the wool hunting people insist on keeping them :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:

Yes indeed! like that famous quote in, "Shakespeare In Love", " It's A Mystery"

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