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Ferret squeaking? Is he ok?

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Hi mate I have a litter if kits and there 7weeks old I'm no expert but I think it is them just a bit scared and haven't got there mom to turn to as they have to get used to it I say that because when I clean mine out I put the kits in my big pen and dont put mom in straight away and thats when they start the squawking it's a weird noise hard to describe . Hope that helps ATB

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It's very similar to the chuckle but different. I really can't describe it. I'm no worried now though. Like I said, he's fine, healthy, eating well and active so there can't be much wrong with the little stinker

if its a chuckle, they are usually excited about something

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sounds fairly normal,if something was wrong there would most likely be physical signs,not vocal,a trip to the vet won't hurt(except your wallet :cry: )so keep an eye on him and let us know after your trip to the vet...

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It's like a squaking noise mate. I suppose it might just be like a seal noise. Maybe would explain it as he was squeaking when I carried him up the stairs to get something and when I sat down and he was chilling out walking over the bench etc he didn't make it- ( maybe he had calmed down and relaxed)? It's similar to the noise he makes when he's happy like the chattering noise but a bit more louder and forceful if you get me

Try throwing a wee ball in......if it starts clapping and balancing the ball on its nose you've

been done...... :whistling:


Your a wind up merchant you are haha

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It's not the same chuckling as when they are hAppy or excited. Mmmm it seems fairly normal and I'm not really concerned anymore. Thanks again and I'll keep you updated on the vets so you can all laugh at me wasting my money haha

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ive been told that at about 10-11 weeks they start gettting more teeth through and can start playing up, maybe hes got a sore mouth. mine are making up for it by completely relapsing on their nip training within two days and trying to rip off all the fleshy parts of my hands and arms lol

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