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The lads who are out with there mates a few times a week on the whole defiantly have better dogs than hunt terrier lads, there prepared to Poach travel miles take days off work all to work there dogs!

TBH mate I'd rather give 2 or 3 terriers plenty of work rather than very little work to 7 terriers. Different people have different standards, mine won't be as high as some of the lads on here but if

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noticed the threads been deleted --- the terrier game united we stand ...:doh: if i was in a war i would`nt want 50 terriermen in my regiment ..:whistling:


thing is stig theres terrierman and people what own a terrier.


those that own a terrier and i class my self in that one shouldnt comment on here as much as the other as we should be listening


so goldfinch slow your mouth down an you might learn a bit instead of rattling someone who knows :thumbs:

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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

do you not find dog that with hunt gets f....d up.no searching needed sure thing,they think every hole something in it.get the old rats in the head syndrome.had dog was coming on nicely on big foxes,lent him to hnut came back after few digs started to f..k about eventually wouldnt go to the stuff.just my view what you think.

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And this thread has descended into bullshit once again.


It started off as a good discussion.





exatley -- happens to every terrier thread --- read and learn should be the way and not slag each other off alright some of it might be shit but why dont people just pass it by instead of wreaking a thread -- you can see why people dont post will del post again ? -- i could share loads of good digging storys from days gone but why should i be arsed look at the shit i`ve had on gould threads just ruins it for them that want to know - so i dont bother now to many terrier threads turned to shit even the show ones -- terrier sections gone down hill coz good lads have thought feck posting and others have just left ....fed up of getting ripped into ..
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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

do you not find dog that with hunt gets f....d up.no searching needed sure thing,they think every hole something in it.get the old rats in the head syndrome.had dog was coming on nicely on big foxes,lent him to hnut came back after few digs started to f..k about eventually wouldnt go to the stuff.just my view what you think.

just my view but if you`ve got a dog doin what you want -- why lend him out when thrs a chance someone else could feck him up .. hunt terriers are a differant animal to what some terriermen want/need ... my local keepers got 2 borders all he wants them to do is bolt to guns job done the quicker the better .. my local chicken farmer keeps 2 russells just to do rats .. each to thr own but they all come under the same hat .. or do they ?

Edited by the_stig
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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

do you not find dog that with hunt gets f....d up.no searching needed sure thing,they think every hole something in it.get the old rats in the head syndrome.had dog was coming on nicely on big foxes,lent him to hnut came back after few digs started to f..k about eventually wouldnt go to the stuff.just my view what you think.

just my view but if you`ve got a dog doin what you want -- why lend him out when thrs a chance someone else could feck him up .. hunt terriers are a differant animal to what some terriermen want/need ... my local keepers got 2 borders all he wants them to do is bolt to guns job done the quicker the better .. my local chicken farmer keeps 2 russells just to do rats .. each to thr own but they all come under the same hat .. or do they ?

totally agree mate was a favour all there stuff was shite,they should have there own dogs but such was the senario.never again you learn by your mistakes.but you say different type of animal for hunt,explain please not having a go just interested in your knowledge. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Guest dee mac

mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

do you not find dog that with hunt gets f....d up.no searching needed sure thing,they think every hole something in it.get the old rats in the head syndrome.had dog was coming on nicely on big foxes,lent him to hnut came back after few digs started to f..k about eventually wouldnt go to the stuff.just my view what you think.

just my view but if you`ve got a dog doin what you want -- why lend him out when thrs a chance someone else could feck him up .. hunt terriers are a differant animal to what some terriermen want/need ... my local keepers got 2 borders all he wants them to do is bolt to guns job done the quicker the better .. my local chicken farmer keeps 2 russells just to do rats .. each to thr own but they all come under the same hat .. or do they ?

totally agree mate was a favour all there stuff was shite,they should have there own dogs but such was the senario.never again you learn by your mistakes.but you say different type of animal for hunt,explain please not having a go just interested in your knowledge. :thumbs: :thumbs:

in my opinion the really good terriers will work what evers put infront of them reguardless of what they incounter as only thing they want to do is work.

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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

do you not find dog that with hunt gets f....d up.no searching needed sure thing,they think every hole something in it.get the old rats in the head syndrome.had dog was coming on nicely on big foxes,lent him to hnut came back after few digs started to f..k about eventually wouldnt go to the stuff.just my view what you think.

just my view but if you`ve got a dog doin what you want -- why lend him out when thrs a chance someone else could feck him up .. hunt terriers are a differant animal to what some terriermen want/need ... my local keepers got 2 borders all he wants them to do is bolt to guns job done the quicker the better .. my local chicken farmer keeps 2 russells just to do rats .. each to thr own but they all come under the same hat .. or do they ?

totally agree mate was a favour all there stuff was shite,they should have there own dogs but such was the senario.never again you learn by your mistakes.but you say different type of animal for hunt,explain please not having a go just interested in your knowledge. :thumbs: :thumbs:

in my opinion the really good terriers will work what evers put infront of them reguardless of what they incounter as only thing they want to do is work.

cometh the hour cometh the man...... :notworthy:

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Guest busterdog

Out of plenty of experiance hunt terriers will dwell in empty earths, they need to be worked or bought on as normal IE checking empty earths, some dogs are just more excitable than others and are more prone to it. For the people outside looking in wondering what the hell we're talking about, most hunt terriers only get let out of the terrier box when hounds mark to ground, this makes the terrier over excitable and convinces them theres always something to ground. I always bring on my youngsters as normal ie checking tons of empty places and walking from earth to earth, i also throw plenty of days in with the older dogs just to keep them in check and never never give it the big pointy finger and hiss the dogs on, when i see terriermen do this it boils my piss.

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Out of plenty of experiance hunt terriers will dwell in empty earths, they need to be worked or bought on as normal IE checking empty earths, some dogs are just more excitable than others and are more prone to it. For the people outside looking in wondering what the hell we're talking about, most hunt terriers only get let out of the terrier box when hounds mark to ground, this makes the terrier over excitable and convinces them theres always something to ground. I always bring on my youngsters as normal ie checking tons of empty places and walking from earth to earth, i also throw plenty of days in with the older dogs just to keep them in check and never never give it the big pointy finger and hiss the dogs on, when i see terriermen do this it boils my piss.


terriermen who do this are shite at their jobs.


i also think its an unfair reflection and general miss conception of what a hunt terrierman does. you and i both know alot more should go on.


agreed there are lots of so called hunt men who do do this, but that dosent make it right.... these aint the kind of dogs im talking about :thumbs:

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