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Clachan if i had a dog to ground for up to an hour i would be inclined to dig to it,not sit waiting for a bolt.

Its all about reading your dog.I wouldnt keep any of my dogs that i keep at the moment in for an hour without getting a mark and digging.But 10 years ago that would be normal practice.Fact.A keeper mite have 50 dens to check in a season,+a week to do so.He (i)needed a terrier or terriers to do the job.Not a dog that would get f****d up on the first day. But like i said before I like a dig before a bolt.And anyone that knows me knows that.clachan

Fair enough clachan,honest answer.

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The lads who are out with there mates a few times a week on the whole defiantly have better dogs than hunt terrier lads, there prepared to Poach travel miles take days off work all to work there dogs!

TBH mate I'd rather give 2 or 3 terriers plenty of work rather than very little work to 7 terriers. Different people have different standards, mine won't be as high as some of the lads on here but if

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Clachan if i had a dog to ground for up to an hour i would be inclined to dig to it,not sit waiting for a bolt.

Its all about reading your dog.I wouldnt keep any of my dogs that i keep at the moment in for an hour without getting a mark and digging.But 10 years ago that would be normal practice.Fact.A keeper mite have 50 dens to check in a season,+a week to do so.He (i)needed a terrier or terriers to do the job.Not a dog that would get f****d up on the first day. But like i said before I like a dig before a bolt.And anyone that knows me knows that.clachan

Fair enough clachan,honest answer.


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Clachan if i had a dog to ground for up to an hour i would be inclined to dig to it,not sit waiting for a bolt.

Fat man, a few of the keepers i know will not let you touch the dens with a spade. This way they can use these dens year after year without having to go looking for them. Even if you offer to put them right after dropping a hole, they wont let you do it. This is when a bayer or bolter comes in handy, yis Del.

I know regular diging of earths does limit the number of foxs you will get in,but i always do my best to leave them as near as possible to the way i found them.Then a keeper has a job to do so its his call in the end,but i would sooner i dig than 10 bolts,then im not a keeper just like diging my dogs.atb fm.

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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

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The lads who are out with there mates a few times a week on the whole defiantly have better dogs than hunt terrier lads, there prepared to Poach travel miles take days off work all to work there dogs! If a dog walks it's dealt with properly! If I had a pound for every time I've seen a hunt terrier being called enticed out I would be a rich man indeed and that is numerous hunts I've followed, if a dog is regularly coming out on a fox then you own a jacker! No ifs no buts, if you're happy with these muts then fine it's you're decision but do not kid yourself an think you have a grafter because there is many lads out there who actually give a shit about the sport and would not stand for it

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mixed thoughts on this thread.firstly i like the pic and the tale.


mostly who ever think that there are no quality terrier with professional terriers are just being twats.the fact is some of the best and most regularly worked dogs are in hunt service, there is no better way to get good regular work.


and to del, you say you like to work all your dogs which is good, but why do you chose to kennel so many?your bitch could get you 50 foxes a season so why have more than a couple of her progeny?

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good thread del. i have to say i also have my sport at heart and i value a terrier like del has described above all work styles. the different types shoud be measured with different yardsticks. they are totally different animals with a different task. i dont give a fukc what other folk keep. why should i. i dont have to feed em. a good staying dog is a fine animal a pleasure to behold. but a lot of their owners think they have a monopoly on working terriers. all styles have their uses. get off your high horses.

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good thread del. i have to say i also have my sport at heart and i value a terrier like del has described above all work styles. the different types shoud be measured with different yardsticks. they are totally different animals with a different task. i dont give a fukc what other folk keep. why should i. i dont have to feed em. a good staying dog is a fine animal a pleasure to behold. but a lot of their owners think they have a monopoly on working terriers. all styles have their uses. get off your high horses.

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Terrier racing business dogs that stay half hour or so some of you think that's ok fm ftb and j what the f..k is going on

Moorsman if you read my post you will know what i think of terriers of that calibre,but as someone has just said i am not the one feeding them.If k9 is happy with his lot then thats his buisness,they definatly would not suit my diging.FM.

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