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usa in talks with the taliban for peace

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The taliban want THEIR country back. Alqueda don't want the west invading and raping the resources of the middle east and other muslim areas. Don't see anything wrong with what both groups want imo.


It's not the talibans country! Most of the Taliban is from Pakistan. The Taliban was a force that overthrew the afghan government and then started killing innocent people under their version of sharia law. I don't agree with what we are fighting there for either but it's the Taliban that is the bad guy.


British people want Britain back!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's full of dirty, smelly, horrible Muslim c**ts. And no I'm not fascist towards black people or pakistani's etc that work, pay taxes or put something back into te country but I'm fed up of them demanding things and complaining about British traditions. They tried to ban the union jack as they were offended. They tried to change Christmas day to something else because they were offended because it had 'christ' in it. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Nobody? scothunter, you're always up for bombing the ragheads, what about China? With the worst human rights record ever, not to mention what they do to animals, fancy a pop at them ?

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lol i just read another story on that link.its to the right israeli dog sentenced to be stoned to death.seriously we need to drop a few crowd pleasers in the middle east lol there no place for them in a civillised world

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The taliban want THEIR country back. Alqueda don't want the west invading and raping the resources of the middle east and other muslim areas. Don't see anything wrong with what both groups want imo.


It's not the talibans country! Most of the Taliban is from Pakistan. The Taliban was a force that overthrew the afghan government and then started killing innocent people under their version of sharia law. I don't agree with what we are fighting there for either but it's the Taliban that is the bad guy.


British people want Britain back!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's full of dirty, smelly, horrible Muslim c**ts. And no I'm not fascist towards black people or pakistani's etc that work, pay taxes or put something back into te country but I'm fed up of them demanding things and complaining about British traditions. They tried to ban the union jack as they were offended. They tried to change Christmas day to something else because they were offended because it had 'christ' in it. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

the british empire throughout history have been the worst invaders of all,the shitey goverment of today ,needs to get its own country in order.

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If we decided to pull out of the war and never got into another 1 then what would all the servicemen and women do, isn't that there job to fight in wars. Just wondered if the vast majority would be paid of or would they still be paid by the Goverment for not really doing anything....?

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I would tell the yanks to go f**k themselves anyway! All the Falklands shite is getting a bit heated again and the yanks wont even support our sovereignty over the islands. They want us to enter into talks with the argies! They're our f*****g islands and our 'allies' should support that! We fought 2 f*****g shitty wars in the name of the yanky war on terror, they should at the very least politically support our sovereingty over the Falklands. ONE islander changed his citizenship to argentinian! ONE! They are British islands and our 'closest allies' should be standing by us.


Dont even get me started on the fact we have no air craft carriers if it does kick off. No air craft carriers and no yank support, we would be in a shitty f*****g mess! :no:


f**k the yanks, f**k the argies and f**k the poncy slack fanys that run this country!


The USA did support us, they voted on the UN resolution requesting the departure of Argentine troops and supplied us with armaments.

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When people blame the Americans lets get 1 thing straight its the government off America not the people , there son's/daughter's are going home in body bags as well , our Government we should be looking at and BLAMING first and foremost for sendin our troops there , fighting everyone else's war when we have Terrorists livin amongst us , 1 thing i will say about the American's , Muslim's would not get away with burning there flag on the streets off America or ABUSING home coming soldier's like they do in this country , there feet wouldnt touch the ground , pity our police are sent out to protect these scum when there protesting , shows how WEAK and ANTI BRITISH our politicians/those in power really are !

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Nobody? scothunter, you're always up for bombing the ragheads, what about China? With the worst human rights record ever, not to mention what they do to animals, fancy a pop at them ?


yea lets go for it.slinty eyed c**ts lol

tbh i couldnt give a shit about chinkys.they dont cause me any trouble in the uk (well apart from producing shite weed)they keep themselfs to themself.never see them kicking up a stink about anything.in the wider world yea i can forsee a few falls out and possibly worse in a few years.However my concern is solely in how it affects my country and my security,and its the muslims who are the danger.

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When people blame the Americans lets get 1 thing straight its the government off America not the people , there son's/daughter's are going home in body bags as well , our Government we should be looking at and BLAMING first and foremost for sendin our troops there , fighting everyone else's war when we have Terrorists livin amongst us , 1 thing i will say about the American's , Muslim's would not get away with burning there flag on the streets off America or ABUSING home coming soldier's like they do in this country , there feet wouldnt touch the ground , pity our police are sent out to protect these scum when there protesting , shows how WEAK and ANTI BRITISH our politicians/those in power really are !


no they just insult the dead and thier nation by proposing to build a f*****g mosque at ground zero.however i do get your point mate.

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When people blame the Americans lets get 1 thing straight its the government off America not the people , there son's/daughter's are going home in body bags as well , our Government we should be looking at and BLAMING first and foremost for sendin our troops there , fighting everyone else's war when we have Terrorists livin amongst us , 1 thing i will say about the American's , Muslim's would not get away with burning there flag on the streets off America or ABUSING home coming soldier's like they do in this country , there feet wouldnt touch the ground , pity our police are sent out to protect these scum when there protesting , shows how WEAK and ANTI BRITISH our politicians/those in power really are !


no they just insult the dead and thier nation by proposing to build a f*****g mosque at ground zero.however i do get your point mate.

Yes seen that , though in this country it would off been given the green light AND OUR TAXES WOULD OFF PAID FOR IT :wallbash: !

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I hear that the taliban produce enough Poppies to undercut the Western Pill companies by a third . So basically it is a drugs war ?


Incorrect. Before the Taliban were defeated the reduced the amount of opium grown from 95% of all opium grown in the world to about 5%. Within 12 months of the invasion it was up to around 95% again.


The Taliban aren't nice but opium is one of the few things they can't be blamed for.

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When people blame the Americans lets get 1 thing straight its the government off America not the people , there son's/daughter's are going home in body bags as well , our Government we should be looking at and BLAMING first and foremost for sendin our troops there , fighting everyone else's war when we have Terrorists livin amongst us , 1 thing i will say about the American's , Muslim's would not get away with burning there flag on the streets off America or ABUSING home coming soldier's like they do in this country , there feet wouldnt touch the ground , pity our police are sent out to protect these scum when there protesting , shows how WEAK and ANTI BRITISH our politicians/those in power really are !


no they just insult the dead and thier nation by proposing to build a f*****g mosque at ground zero.however i do get your point mate.


It's more than 2 blocks away and its not even a mosque. It's the muslim version of a YMCA. Also it won't even be the closest one to ground zero as there has been one closer for years. Also did you know the world trade centre contained a mosque?


And before you say it I'm not pro-muslim I am just anti-bullshit.

Edited by scalesntails
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