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trading up advise

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Im looking to change up from my springer to pcp currently have tx200HC bought brand new got a couple of knocks on bottom of stock and a nick or two on the barrel general wear and tear from being worked how much wold you expect to get for it?

Now for the new gun seen a couple of second hand s400/s410s second hand for around £325/450 which is around my price range or do you know any other makes and models i should be looking for?

All advice appreciated thanks

Micky. :thumbs:

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Depends what you like, you can get Daystates for that sort of money as well. I am afraid it is the old "Go to a gun shop or five, try as many as you can, decide what you like then look for it advice!"


Just remember one thing, with a PCP it is not only buying the gun, you also have to buy a way of ensuring that air gets into it! Either a pump, or a tank, or many trips to your gun shop if they top up pcp tanks...

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Yes, lovely weapons! Reliable, pellet on pellet accuracy, we both own unregulated ones, but the power delivery seems to be fairly constant throughout the range (I dont let it get below 100 bar). We will not part with our Daystates. Another nice gun to look out for is the BSA Super Ten, you can pick these up fairly cheap (from the £250 mark) and they are another good reliable gun.

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You cant go wrong with the AirArms range . I have seen the S400 for as little as £325 new in my local field sports shop . A gerneral rule of thumb is that a second hand price is 2/3rds of RRP , so based on that , there are some bargains to be had if you keep your eyes peeled . My personal favorite is my S410 regulated , in .177 , that is used expressly for hunting . As you have a TX already , you will know what they are like quality wise .

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