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best fox dog ever seen

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my fox dogs might not be the best but av got more good nights and foxes with him and he suits me to the ground . hes the best dog av owned he lifts and kills an every run is exciting

And brian even managed to lamp all them foxes in a pair of leather slip on shoes all winter.........

7 or 8 in one day or night is some feat single handed if your talking catch and kill and mature winter foxes.Im not saying it's not possible but if a dog was to do it I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be go

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Best I've witnessed was mates old tizer dog , there was a boy of everything in his breeding . Dog could hunt , catch , kill for fun . Daytime , lamp , hunt cover like a hound the dog used to do stuff you wouldn't believe unless u saw it with your own eyes

Thats the difference between what some see as a fox dog,one that earns its stripes from the speed of a 4x4 and the harsh glare of a lamp and a dog that can use its nose,eye and pace to account for a fox that the average fox dog will never encounter.A good fox dog does all the work itself a fox slayer is seldom capable of working on its own merits.

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The best I ever witnessed was a first cos bull/greyhound called Rumour who was a half brother to the well known bull cross Punch.I saw him hunt up and kill 3 daytime foxes and mark an earth and catch a bolted fox within 20yds at the age of 9 on the landfill sites around Essex.I decided that day that he was the dog to use on my botch who was pretty good herself day and night.

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Ben, ridge back x bull x greyhound, only saw him at work in his older years but still was some dog, he would pull them then in seconds have them in the chest and bite them that hard they couldn't bite him back. 7 single handed was his best number in one night.

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Molly bitch on left not many seen it run but those who have know it' was some dog on reds all singlehanded 3/4 a night twice three times a week

Shes still around isn't she mate.

Yes mate still wick lol still showing these so called good dogs up lol day,night , bushing,earth anywhere lol

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The best fox dog i've ever seen was a Liverpool dog called Floyd, running for a good number of years with a very keen & expierienced owner, this dog was well into 4 figures. :yes:

Was this Floyd a fawn rough dog about 27'' mate.

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The best I ever witnessed was a first cos bull/greyhound called Rumour who was a half brother to the well known bull cross Punch.I saw him hunt up and kill 3 daytime foxes and mark an earth and catch a bolted fox within 20yds at the age of 9 on the landfill sites around Essex.I decided that day that he was the dog to use on my botch who was pretty good herself day and night.

Was the connection with punch the bull sire ?

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The best fox dog i've ever seen was a Liverpool dog called Floyd, running for a good number of years with a very keen & expierienced owner, this dog was well into 4 figures. :yes:

Was this Floyd a fawn rough dog about 27'' mate.
Floyd was a brindle atb AT


Thinking of wrong dog then mate, cheers atb.

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attachicon.gifimage.jpg Jack was a very good fox dog this an old pic of a pic of jack I seen this dog catch hundreds foxes maybe the owner might put a better pic up if he sees this as this is the only one I have atb AT

I've also seen Jack in action many times znd AT's dead right, he was a very good fox dog.

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best fox dog was t smiths troy then plummers merle ,took hundreds without a bite clever dog

any dog that takes foxes without a bite is questionable imo


Ive owned my share of questionable dogs then,warranted they cannot always dodge a nip or the attention of an incisor or 4,yet many a mutt reaches an age and appearance that fails to show its tally,even terriers.

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