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1. Whippets can't kill a fox.   2. Whippets are no good for lamping.   3. Whippets are fragile.   4. Whippets have poor stamina.   5. Whippets are no good for hares.   6. Whippets can'

beddy whippets take 100s of fallow bucks

my dogs the best in the world thats why i am selling it

  On 17/06/2011 at 13:34, shaaark said:

1. Whippets can't kill a fox.


2. Whippets are no good for lamping.


3. Whippets are fragile.


4. Whippets have poor stamina.


5. Whippets are no good for hares.


6. Whippets can't take knocks.


All of the above is true, as I've also read it on here :laugh:


An angry whippet owner by the sound of it :whistling:

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  On 17/06/2011 at 13:34, shaaark said:

1. Whippets can't kill a fox.


2. Whippets are no good for lamping.


3. Whippets are fragile.


4. Whippets have poor stamina.


5. Whippets are no good for hares.


6. Whippets can't take knocks.


All of the above is true, as I've also read it on here :laugh:


you do know that this is meant to be a piss take thread, your not meant to put true facts

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  On 17/06/2011 at 16:10, shushycatcher said:

Whippets are shit but a beddy whippet can consistantly take red deer!!!!!:whistling:

Don't know about red deer but they can consistantly take fallow bucks, I've read that on here as well :laugh:

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  On 17/06/2011 at 12:06, keepitcovert said:

Its a real education on this forum these are some of the facts ive learned on here. (1) anyone reading CMW cant be a real hunter (2) tumblers and smithfields still exist ask jeff burrell.(3) all bull x owners are chavs. (4) whippets arent a real mans dog all they do is shiver and yap, not to mention their bad feet. (5) anyone owning a plummer book obviously knows jack shit. (6) god help you if you own a hancock bred dog. (7) anyone selling a dog on here is a puppy peddler. (8) all saluki crosses are untrainable. Help me out if ive missed any facts. All these are true because ive read them on here, and some of the guys that wrote them have kept dogs for months. :icon_eek:

one dog can take a red stag..

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