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What's the most effective combo?

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  On 17/06/2011 at 13:48, ban is just a word said:

first cross bedlington whippet = speed turning ability patience and boy do they love too work cover!

teamed up with a larger 3/4 collie greyhound would be ideal daytime team in my oppinion,

i dont use collie greyhounds but just thought it would be a good team for rabbits



People always say this about beddy/whips, but i just don't get it, there is no way they would work the cover as well as a decent terrier/spaniel etc? A good compromise perhaps, but no way a true 'cover dog'.

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True, but i've neevr seen it happen.


Personally i find the barking what gives them the edge over spaniels (and i love spaniels). When working certain areas, covers etc, it's very handy to ave a dog sounding on quarry to put the lurcher in the right place at the right time.


As for small lurcher vs terrier/spaniel.


NO lurcher will enter and work cover like the other two dogs.



You want to see some little lurcher types mate ive had whippet collies that would enter any cover and equal any terrier ive ever seen at finding its something im looking forward to in old age when them big fields get too much had loads of fun as a young un with the whippet types one of the best i owned was only 14 inch to the shoulder and could catch for fun in cover funnily enough though ive never rated the beddy whippet types had a few and seen a few and most were well deaf on scent would go to ground and the coat hampered them in cover give me a tiny whippet collie type for close work any day best rabbiting bitch i ever owned daytime was bred that way 21 to the shoulder shed fold her legs and belly crawn on a run on fresh scent strike in dog rose and bramble and where i live the big dogs only manage a couple a week knocking about shed kill threes everytime out if bunny bashing was all i did id have another like a shot :thumbs:



Edited by juckler123
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  On 17/06/2011 at 13:48, ban is just a word said:

first cross bedlington whippet = speed turning ability patience and boy do they love too work cover!

teamed up with a larger 3/4 collie greyhound would be ideal daytime team in my oppinion,

i dont use collie greyhounds but just thought it would be a good team for rabbits

collie /grey tend to turn hard mouthed when they get sick of rabbits ideal if u want to move them up a gear :thumbs: well any i had did lol thats why i crossed my bitch to a beddy/whippet as am happy doing rabbits

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  On 17/06/2011 at 13:51, Ideation said:
  On 17/06/2011 at 13:48, ban is just a word said:

first cross bedlington whippet = speed turning ability patience and boy do they love too work cover!

teamed up with a larger 3/4 collie greyhound would be ideal daytime team in my oppinion,

i dont use collie greyhounds but just thought it would be a good team for rabbits



People always say this about beddy/whips, but i just don't get it, there is no way they would work the cover as well as a decent terrier/spaniel etc? A good compromise perhaps, but no way a true 'cover dog'.


maybe not as good as a terrier but good enough too flush a rabbit if there is one, plus a 1st cross beddy whip will always be usefull back up for the dog waiting on the otherside for the rabbit,

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A terrier will hunt hard with the intent to catch and kill. A good spaniel will keep working the cover regardless what it has already put up, My experience is that the sport is more "exciting" when bushing with a terrier, but most effective when using a good cocker.


Ask your self the question,If terriers were the best at bushing then why do most rough shooters keep spaniels?

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My beddy whip will not enter cover like my jack russel will thats for sure, ( but i don't want her too), my brothers first cross will enter cover more readily but still not like my russel does.


I enjoy watching my terrier work, she does yap when pushing rabbits out but I think this is a bonus you know where she is and it gives the other dog a chnce to position herself. She's quiet other than when she's pushing quarry.


The added bonus with her is she's a good ratter and good with the ferrets.


Downsides are she's really hard mouthed and she will take rabbits off of the other dogs. She used to turn a bity deaf at times but seems to have got out of that now ( most of the time).


I had a springer few years back he was a pain in the ass ( that may have been my fault) he would never settle didn't matter how much you ran him he was still going mental at the end of the run.


I've seen a couple of lovely spaniels though and would one day like to give one another shot, although I think I'd go for a cocker next time. A lad brings out a sprocker sometimes when we go bushing or ferreting, That's a cracking young dog he's really obediant and is keen as hell.


I suppose you'd have to decide which type would suit you best.:thumbs:



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