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Artificial Insemination

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Has anybody got any experience of artificial insemination in dogs? Do all vets/some/none store semen stores for a price? Can they check fertility and assist on insemination? Any ideas on the storage costs etc? All advice appreciated..........

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Theres probably been a lot of changes now but back some years ago not all vets would do it.....i heard some stories of lads injecting sperm into a bitch and all kinds of odd stories :blink: and it taking,but i think that was more likely extreme luck than good judgement....for a start a vet will want bloods done etc something we just cant do at home.

Theres 3 basic ways....fresh - as in the vet can collect it from the dog and insert in the bitch....then theres whats called fes - which stands for fresh extended semen,which is basically something added to the semen to extend the time its fertile for,your talking days not weeks or months.....then frozen - which needs correct temperature storage of course....fed ex or any of the major cargo mobs ship it.

Collecting the semen is actually the easy part,its the timing of the bitches estrus which is the complicated bit,i remember they did tests called ria progesterone something or other it basically gives an exact time rather than a range of times that the bitch is most likely to take.

Price wise the whole procedure come out around 3k and that was 10 years ago...im sure its all come a long way since then,and like i say ive heard stories of folk doing the whole process in their front room with syringes and collecting vessles etc :blink:......i love dogs but i dont love any of them enough to knock one out for them !

Anyway,hope that helps a little.

Edited by gnasher16
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Thank you very much for the replies, its purely because i have an old dog i would like to have a litter from, he mated a bitch last year but she didn't take, this could be because the old fella is firing blanks as he is 11. The bitch i would like him to cover wont break down until the spring so its all theory at the moment but it would mean storing the semen straws. This is my dog of a lifetime im sure so it would bother me not to have something to keep from him in my kennels. I'll look into your information guys, but gnasher if it is in the £3k range it wont happen :thumbs:

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Thank you very much for the replies, its purely because i have an old dog i would like to have a litter from, he mated a bitch last year but she didn't take, this could be because the old fella is firing blanks as he is 11. The bitch i would like him to cover wont break down until the spring so its all theory at the moment but it would mean storing the semen straws. This is my dog of a lifetime im sure so it would bother me not to have something to keep from him in my kennels. I'll look into your information guys, but gnasher if it is in the £3k range it wont happen :thumbs:


To be honest mate im not sure a vet would entertain the idea with a dog much over 7 or 8 as you know the fertility rate reduces drastically around that age....anyhow,you never know nature is always surprising us,best of luck anyway.

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cal jack has a dvd that shows you how its done im sure someone on here is seling it



He has the magic touch....no need for blood tests and laboratories when Jacks about....because he always tells the truth of course :D

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Simo, talk to the "Posh One".......he has experience of it and I believe a litter he had around 2 years ago was through AI :thumbs:

Didnt cost him a bean ;)

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I have had two successful breedings from A.I. (& know of many more) using fresh semen. It really is a good option when the female is not too willing to even look at a dog,never mind breed to it.

I bought semen extender several year ago as i thought it was a good option when travelling further & doing away with red tape. Never got round to using it.

Frozen & extended semen would not be as fertile as fresh. Good thing with fresh & extended is that it is very cheap & you stand a good chance of getting pups. Extender i bought was from a equine place in the States & was cheap.

I do know lads who have/had semen froze & as said earlier it ain't cheap,but i seem to remember that the yearly charge for storing is pretty cheap.

A Draminski or Matetel would help you in determining when the female is ready. Cheaper version is the strips you can buy. Sure i have an address to buy the strips if anyone needs it. They work out around 75 or so pence each.

Also as said above,the Cal Jack dvd is a pretty good introduction.

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I have had two successful breedings from A.I. (& know of many more) using fresh semen. It really is a good option when the female is not too willing to even look at a dog,never mind breed to it.

I bought semen extender several year ago as i thought it was a good option when travelling further & doing away with red tape. Never got round to using it.

Frozen & extended semen would not be as fertile as fresh. Good thing with fresh & extended is that it is very cheap & you stand a good chance of getting pups. Extender i bought was from a equine place in the States & was cheap.

I do know lads who have/had semen froze & as said earlier it ain't cheap,but i seem to remember that the yearly charge for storing is pretty cheap.

A Draminski or Matetel would help you in determining when the female is ready. Cheaper version is the strips you can buy. Sure i have an address to buy the strips if anyone needs it. They work out around 75 or so pence each.

Also as said above,the Cal Jack dvd is a pretty good introduction.

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I have had two successful breedings from A.I. (& know of many more) using fresh semen. It really is a good option when the female is not too willing to even look at a dog,never mind breed to it.

I bought semen extender several year ago as i thought it was a good option when travelling further & doing away with red tape. Never got round to using it.

Frozen & extended semen would not be as fertile as fresh. Good thing with fresh & extended is that it is very cheap & you stand a good chance of getting pups. Extender i bought was from a equine place in the States & was cheap.

I do know lads who have/had semen froze & as said earlier it ain't cheap,but i seem to remember that the yearly charge for storing is pretty cheap.

A Draminski or Matetel would help you in determining when the female is ready. Cheaper version is the strips you can buy. Sure i have an address to buy the strips if anyone needs it. They work out around 75 or so pence each.

Also as said above,the Cal Jack dvd is a pretty good introduction.



Just out of interest.....what has your success rate been percentage wise ?....The annual storage was 250 if i remember right,but that was 10 years ago so no idea now.....i guess if you can get it done then great,....never something i had great confidence in doing myself hence i left it to the pros :D

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