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did anybody else see the stupidity in this statement

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spring watch recenty filmed a jay tearing apart a wrens nest and taking a chick, we all know chris packams an antie and a self oppinonated tosser but when he came away with this gem i had to laff......quote " iv got to stick up for the jays they only take young birds when there feeding there own chicks the rest of the year they eat acorns ect ect...can anyone spot the stupidity of this statement

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I'll go along with most of what's been said, it was a sucking-up-to-the-gullible- british-public statement, BUT I've a little time for Packham. He supports the BTO, a much better, more scientific organisation than the Arse P B. He's not as unrealistic as the others on the show, but I'm afraid he's pampering to the masses here.

Edited by cragman
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  On 16/06/2011 at 10:12, judge2010 said:

i thought it was funny when that bloke said he caught a stoat in a rat trap. There was an ackward silance.



Yes i noticed that too :laugh: And yes Packhams statement was rather daft....

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it was the same as the other week with the buzzards they were comming back with pipit chicks for their young, he said but the buzzard chicks also get preyed on by the goshawks :laugh: 500 pairs of goshawks in england and how many pairs of buzzards :whistling: :whistling:

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