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The scheme

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I just think if most normal peoples kids don't attend school they are given a hiding...these kids parents won't give too fucks...sure some may see the situation and think no way do I want too end up like that but when your a kid do you really think that way? I mean how many here age 14/15 thought they knew it all and said bollocks too school? Like it or not social class does affect your chances. That said you can't ever escape junkies...aunts a millionaire and when at a family party she pointed out one of her mates who also is very well off but has a coke habbit. I guess life is what you make it and a lot of people in shitholes ect are the nicest people you can meet who would give you their last fiver. I am very much against those who make excuses n feel sorry for themselfs mind you.

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I was brought up in a scheme aswell,in the 80s when most kids parents didnt have a job.fortunaetly both my parents worked and we were comfortable.my dad was strict as you can get.in fact maybe a bit to handy in dishing out hidings.however didnt stop me from getting into trouble.childrens panels,expelled out of schools.social workers and dabbled in glue.however i never stole of anyone and thankfully i realised if i continued on the path i was on,no good would come of it.now i see lads i knew back then and there either dead in jail or just general scumbags.not a day goes by i dont think thank f**k i had common sense.

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Margret Thatcher legacy.


Change the record Dell, we've had Christ knows how many years of labour policies, reforms and ideas and the situation actually worsened under their governing.

The gap between rich and poor was never as wide as under labour, not just financially but socially as well.

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I just think if most normal peoples kids don't attend school they are given a hiding...these kids parents won't give too fucks...sure some may see the situation and think no way do I want too end up like that but when your a kid do you really think that way? I mean how many here age 14/15 thought they knew it all and said bollocks too school? Like it or not social class does affect your chances. That said you can't ever escape junkies...aunts a millionaire and when at a family party she pointed out one of her mates who also is very well off but has a coke habbit. I guess life is what you make it and a lot of people in shitholes ect are the nicest people you can meet who would give you their last fiver. I am very much against those who make excuses n feel sorry for themselfs mind you.

Can you define "normal"

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