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A walk out

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Hello boys, me and adam had a drive up our conservation permission yesterday at 3pm, we were both bored but having decided to give the bunnies a rest for a month we basically just went for a walk with maybe the chance of a few woodys, crows etc etc

Temptation was too much in the end and we took a bunny each, although we could of shot a dozen, but left them and just watch their habbits through the scopes, we manage a crow each aswell, weve decided to take a month off from shooting to rest the permissions, and adam is sending his R10 to john bowkett at the end of the month, and it will be away for 2/3 weeks so its an ideal time to take a break :thumbs: i know you lads will be pine'ing for my posts :whistling: but ill write a cracking one on our first trip out in a month or so's time :thumbs:

I took a few photos while i was out, here they are.









Atb peter

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and heres me thinking you never swore ..."take a month off from shooting" how dare you use language like that on here thats why you need more permissions mate so while you shoot on 1 you rest the others ..i take it were not playing out at the weekend then ? :icon_eek:



atb gary

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hi ya peter bud

well what can i say matey fantastic pictures but she aint that bad you have to drawn her is she lol


nice shooting to bud




Haha i was just giving her a quick dip to cool off, it was a hot day :tongue2: lol Glad you like the photos mate :thumbs:


Atb peter

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and heres me thinking you never swore ..."take a month off from shooting" how dare you use language like that on here thats why you need more permissions mate so while you shoot on 1 you rest the others ..i take it were not playing out at the weekend then ? :icon_eek:



atb gary


Ive got 7 permissions gary, but most of them are strictly "no guests" even adam cant come on most of them, so thought it would be a good time to have a break while adams gun is away. And im back on weekends for the next 5 weeks now mate :thumbdown: plus the time out will let me get a few quid back in the bank, petrol to and from permissions has been wiping me out.


Atb peter

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