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And antis say we are cruel.

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:cry: was having a look threw you tube, and watched a video that i wish i hadnt, it was about dog fur trade, this one guy hadnt clubbed this dog proply, and the poor f****r was strung up and skined while still alive it was then threw on to the pile with the rest of the dogs and you could see it lift its head and half heartedly look about, it was f*****g terrible :cry: there was other ones but i wont go on, now to me that is bloody cruel, and yet we humanly despatch our quarry and yet we are hounded by antis left right and center, :censored: why dont they get off there hippy ass's and try to put a stop to something that is barbaric.
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the wankers are too scared to sat anything about halal slaughter because it is racially not right.twats are all a load of tossers,so are the wankers that kill animals in this way.f**k the ban,which is the right way to bring my kids up.damn sure i no which way mine will be brought up.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

TallyHo; That was the infamous " Chinese Fur Farm Video ", mate. It was, I believe, a " Raccoon Dog " or something very similar. Niether quite a Raccoon nor a Dog, though ye can bet ye life Dogs fare no better under that regimen. The results being regularly touted on eBay, along with banner adverts for " Compassion for Animals " :censored:


I've personally whitnessed three things in my life time that will give me flashbacks and nightmares till the day I die. That video - in fact the sequence ye describe there - being one of them.


Anti's? Too busy sitting round in huddles, in their bed sits, congratulating themselves and seething with hatred for people like us, mate. That shit's way out of their league.

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Alright lads i found this video on youtube becuase i wanted to see for myself if it was really that bad its Fecking digsgusting i found this video i think it is horrific


if offended dont watch


but how can antis chew our bloody ears of over quick clean kills on our quarry and just leave this alone i mean come on who beats a rabbit to death with a stick in the field



sorry about the video if it offendeds



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sorry i thought it was a dog, the other video was a german shepard tied to a post, and the b*****d grabs hold of one of his back legs and sticks a knife into what i think would be amain vein or artery, and he holds him there while the dog is whimpering and bleeding to death, then in full veiw of the street, he hooks the dog threw the mouth strings it up and goes on to skin it, in full veiw of every one, i would say they are animals but thats an insult to animals,

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its cruel beyond beleif! I can't hack watching any stuff like this, I only wish the scum bag who is carrying it out could receive the same fate for all us to see. I hope we can wind this one up as its barbaric beyond beleif! the people who carry out this sort of shit have no Morals what so ever and don't deserve mentioning unless they suffer a simular outcome as the poor dogs....

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Here, Here, Jasper!


In fact, if Tallyho will forgive me ....? People; If ye haven't yet viewed that film, I'd personally, strongly suggest ye don't. Honestly.


It's taken from a world beyond ours. There's nothing we can do about it, short of Nuking China and Korea. What ye'd see there - believe me - would scar ye minds, quite probably for life. I've seen some Bad shit in my time. Both on here and right before me in real life. That film and what it reveals is right up there with some of the most harrowing shit I've Ever whitnessed. I came upon it years ago, quite by chance. I don't think I'll ever get over it.


It's Not a bit of 'Sclock Horror'. It's not titillating. It's not a matter of false bravado to say ye managed to sit through it and can hack it. We've all seen real human beings, really and truly butchered to death, here on our screens. This features real, live, completely helpless animals. Somehow more akin to children, perhaps? I've seen enough. Maybe I've 'said enough'. I most strongly urge you not to try watching that film :no:


As Jasper says; Maybe we should, this time, just walk by and not look.

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I coulddn't get it out of my mind and I DIDN'T even watch the vid. I spent a little time fantasizing about what I would do if I could get away with it: such as gettting over there and blowing the b*****ds away with a machine gun: you know, that sort of thing: but starting at their legs as they tried to run and progressing up their bodies: SLOWLY.

I think I agree with DS: there is nothing we can do about it: their attitude to animals is so far removed from ours as to be impossible to understand: if you can't change the attitude of your own politicians how the hell are you going to change those in a completely alien culture thousands of miles away. The internet has a lot to answer for, but like anything in life there is both a positive and a negative side to anything : I've only had a PC for just over a year, and it has been the gateway to a lot of good things for me: we just have to be very careful how we use it.

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I would love to do that to them. :yes: Farking cants. :censored:


As for the antis, i heard from a good source, that a few were shot, trying to save these poor dogs.

Prehaps, its about time, we got together and practiced the same ha? ;)


Antis, to me, are just as bad as these chinese feckers, who are the cruelest cants on this planet. :angry:


By the way, everytime you all by a chinese meal, some of that goes towards this utter cruelty. :icon_eek:


Right, im off chinese bashing. :laugh::laugh:



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Didn't watch the videos, I'm not squeamish but I can't abide cruelty.


As for Halal butchering, in it's primitive sense it's cruel, but in modern butchering it's not. The operation is done via machine that bolts the beast as the throat is being slit.

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