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squirrels yesterday

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went to my mates yesterday to drop a few quail for him and he told me to bring the rifle [rapid 7 mk 2]as he has been pre feeding sqirrels for a few weeks before he blasts them so not missing out on an opportunity i arrived and gave him the birds and he told me where to go .i reached the wood and the ist feeding post had a few eating the sun flower seeds so i crept up and dropped the 1st one with a clean head shot and the rest were off it went a bit quiet so i moved to another spot and counted 5 together and took one out at 30 yds the rest scattered but one hung around on a branch ,i cocked the rifle and placed the cross hairs on it and thwack !it dropped with a thud but needed another pellet to dispatch it. i moved on again and the next spot presented me with a lovely 35 yd shot it was sitting with its back to me and i shot it clean thruogh the back of its head , the day was more or less the same all day moving from spot to spot but i managed 14 squirrels that the keeper was well impressed with


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