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cant find wont find

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. can you not get it one in an artificial then it cannot not find . ;)


Reckon thats already happened mate.


Some good replies and most folk saying the same thing, leave it while next season and don't let it finnish a dig, you never know mate, it might be that smart a dog that it actually thinks it's job is to fill the ferker in at the end and no more...............................strange though eh. :wacko:

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Guest big bull x

i had the same trouble this year with a russel loaned out 2 my mate as he was stuck for terriers so i said he could bring the pup on good on top butt the boi showed him to many blockends then didnt want to find so i had him back gave him plenty of chances proved he wasnt going to make it so he didnt come home the way it should be ;)

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personal i would give it time i nearly gave up on my old bedlington and he clicked at 2 years i even kept it in a run with a 10 foot false earth attached and made him come though the earth to get his grub, turned into agood dog in the end por bugger dyed in a tunnel collapse {sandy soil}

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Good replies from all, Thanks lads... I do have the luxury of time as the dog is not mine, it'll go back at end of season and will spend the summer doing it's own thing.. Maybe next season I'll try him again, personally I think he's afraid of pushing on in tight tubes in dark :blink:


One thing I wouldn't do... is double up terriers in an earth.... sorry but this really gets my back up.....

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Swansea has the dog ever found in an earth just wondering how he would respond if he had met his quarry like darcy said an artificial would be good is he finding then fleeing or not finding at all if its a case of not finding at all i personally would give him longer i know 18 months is an age but believe me i had it with a lakeland bitch youner dogs was finding she wasnt` really pissing me of i just kept trying then she found in an easy earth and tried to find from then on though in big earths did find it hard and sometimes wouldnt find when others dogs would if the quarry moved she used to comeout and not find again but then it all come together she has been dug loads of times now and is a real 100% terrier and believe me she is a craxking hard little bitch which will now always find in an occupied arth :D

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Guest whitser

i had similar problem with my terrier dennis. if you read back on my posts you;ll see i was pulling my hair out with frustration. keep trying him it'll click in to place. until he finds and then walks out i wouldn't give up on him. it just clicked wuth him and he's checking every hole he passes now, looking for a dig. he was 17 months before he entered found and was dug.

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if you've got the space mate i'd put him away till next season, its not going to cost you much. get him out in the autumn and i'm sure you'll be able to make your own decision in a matter of minutes. all depends on time, space, amount of work available etc etc imo ;)

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around 17 to 18 months is deadon in my opinion for a dogs first dig. Ye might have give the dog too much on top IMO, he would be going the long walk but ye never know if ye leave the dog in now until the start of next season ye might see a different dog.

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