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Are they very different in temperament generally: you say the timid one started limping: could it be that the bully one sensed her sister was under par and deccided to put the boot in sensing the weakness? Is there a problem betwen them at home? Are they kenneled together or do they live in the house? Do YOU like one of them better than the other? See where I'm going with this? Think outside the obvious and you may find an answer to the problem yourself: let us know more about them: its a bit like detective work when trying to sort these problems out: the more info you have the better chance of solving the problem.

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:D problem solved :D took them out just before dark thought i would try them and if it started again i would put her on the lead and tell her off, the started off playing and having a tare about then it turned into a scrap :icon_eek: and the timid bitch came out on top :D

so left them to get on with it, and they where fine no more running into her they are running about together quite happy :victory: hopfully thats the end of that , cheers to you all for your idears thanks fezz :D

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What you need to do is let her know who is boss, I know they are pups, but you must stop this now or end up with two dogs that cant work together.


First step is to release the gentle pup for a run while keep the other one on lead, then release the mad pup for a run while gentle is still loose, if mad runs into gentle put her back on the lead and tell her NO, I bet she will soon get pissed off been on the lead, try this for two weeks and you should be ok.


Worked for me when my lurcher was bumping my terrier. Both of them now play all day long.


Hope this helps.

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