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organisers wanted for scottish rescue club

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why would you want to ? dug in this country for last 20 year and never neded a club ! only man ever gave time of day to was jr who was form of a club and he was a gent al tho we would never agree! clubs always selm promotingb if i want my terrier out i will get it myself ! jock our paths crossed when i was 17 for a bitch with bill asnd best i ever owned rip jock xx


i'd say you've been very fortunate. :thumbs: as for the why would you want to. i suppose that was said when they set about forming the FMWTC. :thumbs:

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The as for why you would want to? remember terrierwork would be finished in Scotland except for the work of the terrier clubs in Scotland the SWTC/Fife&Kinross//Kelvin vally and the SWDA Represented by the NWTF in the Scottish Parliament they succesfully argued the point of terrier work as pest control. They were backed up by the SHPA/SGA/NFU/SCA etc remember when the NWTF was formed the SWTC and the Cumbria wtc split the cost of hiring a car and fuel to go down south to set it up if it was'nt for the vision and commitment of the "old guys from the terrier clubs " nobody in Scotland would be able to work Terriers legally.

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Not trying to sound like a jerk but why would a working terrier need to be rescued if they are not making the grade, or they are crap bred for the pet trade? Do the breed a favor an jus put em down. If you really want to do something for working terriers you might consider taking the funds you planned to put toward a rescue and make a donation to a hunt club that is fighting against anti hunting ligislation? Your generousity is deeply appreciated.


Well for someone who was keen not to sound like a jerk you've made a pretty bad job and come across as a 100% total jerk. You're on a different wavelength here. :wankerzo4:

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The as for why you would want to? remember terrierwork would be finished in Scotland except for the work of the terrier clubs in Scotland the SWTC/Fife&Kinross//Kelvin vally and the SWDA Represented by the NWTF in the Scottish Parliament they succesfully argued the point of terrier work as pest control. They were backed up by the SHPA/SGA/NFU/SCA etc remember when the NWTF was formed the SWTC and the Cumbria wtc split the cost of hiring a car and fuel to go down south to set it up if it was'nt for the vision and commitment of the "old guys from the terrier clubs " nobody in Scotland would be able to work Terriers legally.


well said. :yes:

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