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each too there own. to be honest i've seen a few dogs and bitches down the years that havn't (failed) from the day they were run on. few and far between may i add. IMO there's a lot off different

Correct me if i am wrong ye may have worded ye question wrong to me that means ye have a current dog in ye kennels that has failed walked what ever yeah, whys it still in ye kennels then ?? ive got do

there not the stuff of fairytales at all if i had to sink more than 1 hole=a cull if a dog let quarry dig away and i couldnt get to it = a cull if a dog gets bossed by quarry= a cull if a dog can

  On 12/06/2011 at 16:27, topnotch said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 15:55, FightTheBan said:

And for the record this post was about HONESTY


Im going to start one called 'walt disney' and you can craic right on!








ye wanna call me a liar as well fella ??

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its not as tho the guys on here saying, he breeds litter an every pup makes the grade, none ever fail, an they are all world beaters lol



all he has said is he culls the 1's thats failed an breeds off the 1's that make it to a good age after some serious graft....




why is that so unbeleivable :blink:


if we all treated terriers an lurchers like this, then surely there would be less shite aboot :laugh:

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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:33, The Breeder said:

Lads this is summertime madness we are all after the same thing to WORK our TERRIERS :thumbs:

Nah its not that old fella its just cunis on here think because they have never owned a dog that has never failed they think they dont exsist and to me that means they are obviously breeding from dogs that have failed i know ye have done ye time and been around and dug with a few blokes i have met or known whats your take on it do ye think theres quite a few dogs out there that have never failed or is every dog in the uk bred oout of failures ?

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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:32, DottyDoo said:

but what happend to yer thread fish???? did ye ask for it to be deleted????? :whistling:

no bud i did not mite of had something to do with them big black and white rats in the picture.and as you say we can dig brocks with out looking over our shoulder all the time. :thumbs:

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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:35, DottyDoo said:

its not as tho the guys on here saying, he breeds litter an every pup makes the grade, none ever fail, an they are all world beaters lol



all he has said is he culls the 1's thats failed an breeds off the 1's that make it to a good age after some serious graft....




why is that so unbeleivable :blink:


if we all treated terriers an lurchers like this, then surely there would be less shite aboot :laugh:

Thanks dotty ye worded it better than me :thumbs: theres dozens of blokes out there that have had dogs that have never failed and made it to a good age i aint the only fecker that has them the folks that think its impossible are the ones that keep and breed failures and have never seen a decent dog and buy there dogs in there nowt but potlicking wankers the same as there dogs :thumbs:

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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:31, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:12, FightTheBan said:

Hedz above post is what is commonly known as 'BLACK DOG SYNDROME'


Also known as utter bullshit.


Hedz go away and stop pestering me ya stupid wee impressionable c**t.


Do you think I come on here for pointers or from a pat on the back from bellends like yourself?


Would you have prefered me to come on, lie, and say I have never dug more than one hole to a terrier that I rate as a goodun?


Dont be so fecking childish.


The decent lads on here will read your posts and know the truth.


Lies only get you so far :icon_redface:



right ye daft little cuni i put this ive had a few dogs that have never failed i aint lieing plenty can vouch for it i dont lie if it fails i cull it simple ive never bred of a dog that has failed, plenty folk out there have also bred of dogs that have never failed thats why they have stud dogs and brood bitchs that they breed from now ye keep failures in ye kennel and ye breed from them fair enough ye honest about it but to me ye keep culls i have different standards and am perhaps harsher than ye where on this post did i say ive never had a dog fail ??? ive not have i ye c**t ive culled dozens of shite potlickers dogs like the ones ye keep :thumbs: and the decent lads on here :laugh: they do know the truth now ye keep culls and if anybody wants to call me a liar lets go out hopefully somebody will have more bollox than ye and fidodido ye jack every offer given with bullshit excuses ye are are bad as ye dogs :laugh:






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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:45, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:31, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:12, FightTheBan said:

Hedz above post is what is commonly known as 'BLACK DOG SYNDROME'


Also known as utter bullshit.


Hedz go away and stop pestering me ya stupid wee impressionable c**t.


Do you think I come on here for pointers or from a pat on the back from bellends like yourself?


Would you have prefered me to come on, lie, and say I have never dug more than one hole to a terrier that I rate as a goodun?


Dont be so fecking childish.


The decent lads on here will read your posts and know the truth.


Lies only get you so far :icon_redface:



right ye daft little cuni i put this ive had a few dogs that have never failed i aint lieing plenty can vouch for it i dont lie if it fails i cull it simple ive never bred of a dog that has failed, plenty folk out there have also bred of dogs that have never failed thats why they have stud dogs and brood bitchs that they breed from now ye keep failures in ye kennel and ye breed from them fair enough ye honest about it but to me ye keep culls i have different standards and am perhaps harsher than ye where on this post did i say ive never had a dog fail ??? ive not have i ye c**t ive culled dozens of shite potlickers dogs like the ones ye keep :thumbs: and the decent lads on here :laugh: they do know the truth now ye keep culls and if anybody wants to call me a liar lets go out hopefully somebody will have more bollox than ye and fidodido ye jack every offer given with bullshit excuses ye are are bad as ye dogs :laugh:






Dont make out ye just trying for a bite with me ftb then send me shite pms saying ye was only messing about etc ye basicaly called me a liar and full of shite on an open forum ye did this last time well come and prove me a fecking liar and full of shite am telling ye this you will come out with me this season if not this weekend and ill rip ye to bits and laugh my arse of if ye dog fails and ill crab ye and rip ye the rest of ye days on here your full of shit and a part timer that buys russels in ffs and ye openly admit ye keep failures and still keep them and ye dare crab me :blink:

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  On 12/06/2011 at 15:46, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 14:35, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 13:44, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 12:36, hedz31 said:
  On 10/06/2011 at 23:58, snowman said:

how many people can say theyre dog as never faild.as i cant

Correct me if i am wrong ye may have worded ye question wrong to me that means ye have a current dog in ye kennels that has failed walked what ever yeah, whys it still in ye kennels then ?? ive got dogs here that have never failed thats why they are here plenty of folks have dogs that never fail thats why they have them also,but i have had plenty fail and were culled anybody that says they have never had a dog fail is a fibber or only owned 1 dog and anybody that keeps a failure in there kennels is soft in the head and anybody that breeds of 1 is a wanker :thumbs:



Has your dog never managed to get right up to its quarry?

Has it never failed to find in a large spot?

Has it ever let its quarry past it?

Has it ever let its quarry boss it about the earth?

Have you ever had to sink more than one hole to it?

Has it never let the quarry dig away and you could not get to it?


If so what age is said dog and how much has it done?


I think it all depends on what you call failure. :hmm:

Some people have higher standards than others. :thumbs:



Terriers can come unstuck for a multitude of reasons, and not all the time it is entirely their fault.

A terrier that can graft a lifetime without allowing the above to happen is stuff of fairytales.



:laugh: there not the stuff of fairytales at all

if i had to sink more than 1 hole=a cull

if a dog let quarry dig away and i couldnt get to it = a cull

if a dog gets bossed by quarry= a cull

if a dog cant fing in a dog spot=a cull

if a dog let quarry past= a cull

if a dog cant get right up to its quarry hmmm depends what mood i was in and wouyld really have to look at the eqations in the matter if i think it could of tried harder or could of got to it then its a cull if it was absoulutly no chance of it getting i would take it home :thumbs:



:laugh: Gave me a right laugh that did.

Now I know your full of shite :yes:


You must be one of these characters with a kennel full of superheros that heve streets named after them etc. :laugh:


Listen mate you cant kid a kidder so dont even bother.


Thats what I love about this site, it always gives you a giggle.


Anyway mate you crack on trying to impress the retards on here, I only have to impress myself.







best post iv seen on this thread .Some people just want machines .Jesus surely a dog is left have one mishap ,put him away and try him one more time .I tell you one thing from reading this thread iv just realised how many HARD MEN there is in the terrier world
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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:51, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:45, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:31, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:12, FightTheBan said:

Hedz above post is what is commonly known as 'BLACK DOG SYNDROME'


Also known as utter bullshit.


Hedz go away and stop pestering me ya stupid wee impressionable c**t.


Do you think I come on here for pointers or from a pat on the back from bellends like yourself?


Would you have prefered me to come on, lie, and say I have never dug more than one hole to a terrier that I rate as a goodun?


Dont be so fecking childish.


The decent lads on here will read your posts and know the truth.


Lies only get you so far :icon_redface:



right ye daft little cuni i put this ive had a few dogs that have never failed i aint lieing plenty can vouch for it i dont lie if it fails i cull it simple ive never bred of a dog that has failed, plenty folk out there have also bred of dogs that have never failed thats why they have stud dogs and brood bitchs that they breed from now ye keep failures in ye kennel and ye breed from them fair enough ye honest about it but to me ye keep culls i have different standards and am perhaps harsher than ye where on this post did i say ive never had a dog fail ??? ive not have i ye c**t ive culled dozens of shite potlickers dogs like the ones ye keep :thumbs: and the decent lads on here :laugh: they do know the truth now ye keep culls and if anybody wants to call me a liar lets go out hopefully somebody will have more bollox than ye and fidodido ye jack every offer given with bullshit excuses ye are are bad as ye dogs :laugh:






Dont make out ye just trying for a bite with me ftb then send me shite pms saying ye was only messing about etc ye basicaly called me a liar and full of shite on an open forum ye did this last time well come and prove me a fecking liar and full of shite am telling ye this you will come out with me this season if not this weekend and ill rip ye to bits and laugh my arse of if ye dog fails and ill crab ye and rip ye the rest of ye days on here your full of shit and a part timer that buys russels in ffs and ye openly admit ye keep failures and still keep them and ye dare crab me :blink:



Your in the game for the wrong reason.

I could not give a f**k, literally, what anyone thinks on here. Your just another messer, fairly high up on the stack IMO.


If you care that much about what other people think, maybe you should try showing.


If your terriers are the 'dogs bollocks' like you claim then what are you gaining from shouting about it on here?


A pat on the back?

A chocolate watch?

PM's about pups :laugh:


Look hedz' chill out and do your own thing, I will do mine.

Point 2 - I have not openly admitted to keeping failures. A terrier that cannot physically get to its quarry is not a failure a design flaw maybe, but not a failure.


Ask your missus, my cock was too big for anal so I fliped her back over. :thumbs:


Point 3 I have not Pm'd you today.


Keep at it son, your reputation on here will be rocketing.



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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:56, scent said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 15:46, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 14:35, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 13:44, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 12:36, hedz31 said:
  On 10/06/2011 at 23:58, snowman said:

how many people can say theyre dog as never faild.as i cant

Correct me if i am wrong ye may have worded ye question wrong to me that means ye have a current dog in ye kennels that has failed walked what ever yeah, whys it still in ye kennels then ?? ive got dogs here that have never failed thats why they are here plenty of folks have dogs that never fail thats why they have them also,but i have had plenty fail and were culled anybody that says they have never had a dog fail is a fibber or only owned 1 dog and anybody that keeps a failure in there kennels is soft in the head and anybody that breeds of 1 is a wanker :thumbs:



Has your dog never managed to get right up to its quarry?

Has it never failed to find in a large spot?

Has it ever let its quarry past it?

Has it ever let its quarry boss it about the earth?

Have you ever had to sink more than one hole to it?

Has it never let the quarry dig away and you could not get to it?


If so what age is said dog and how much has it done?


I think it all depends on what you call failure. :hmm:

Some people have higher standards than others. :thumbs:



Terriers can come unstuck for a multitude of reasons, and not all the time it is entirely their fault.

A terrier that can graft a lifetime without allowing the above to happen is stuff of fairytales.



:laugh: there not the stuff of fairytales at all

if i had to sink more than 1 hole=a cull

if a dog let quarry dig away and i couldnt get to it = a cull

if a dog gets bossed by quarry= a cull

if a dog cant fing in a dog spot=a cull

if a dog let quarry past= a cull

if a dog cant get right up to its quarry hmmm depends what mood i was in and wouyld really have to look at the eqations in the matter if i think it could of tried harder or could of got to it then its a cull if it was absoulutly no chance of it getting i would take it home :thumbs:



:laugh: Gave me a right laugh that did.

Now I know your full of shite :yes:


You must be one of these characters with a kennel full of superheros that heve streets named after them etc. :laugh:


Listen mate you cant kid a kidder so dont even bother.


Thats what I love about this site, it always gives you a giggle.


Anyway mate you crack on trying to impress the retards on here, I only have to impress myself.







best post iv seen on this thread .Some people just want machines .Jesus surely a dog is left have one mishap ,put him away and try him one more time .I tell you one thing from reading this thread iv just realised how many HARD MEN there is in the terrier world

and bullshiters
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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:59, fish said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:56, scent said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 15:46, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 14:35, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 13:44, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 12:36, hedz31 said:
  On 10/06/2011 at 23:58, snowman said:

how many people can say theyre dog as never faild.as i cant

Correct me if i am wrong ye may have worded ye question wrong to me that means ye have a current dog in ye kennels that has failed walked what ever yeah, whys it still in ye kennels then ?? ive got dogs here that have never failed thats why they are here plenty of folks have dogs that never fail thats why they have them also,but i have had plenty fail and were culled anybody that says they have never had a dog fail is a fibber or only owned 1 dog and anybody that keeps a failure in there kennels is soft in the head and anybody that breeds of 1 is a wanker :thumbs:



Has your dog never managed to get right up to its quarry?

Has it never failed to find in a large spot?

Has it ever let its quarry past it?

Has it ever let its quarry boss it about the earth?

Have you ever had to sink more than one hole to it?

Has it never let the quarry dig away and you could not get to it?


If so what age is said dog and how much has it done?


I think it all depends on what you call failure. :hmm:

Some people have higher standards than others. :thumbs:



Terriers can come unstuck for a multitude of reasons, and not all the time it is entirely their fault.

A terrier that can graft a lifetime without allowing the above to happen is stuff of fairytales.



:laugh: there not the stuff of fairytales at all

if i had to sink more than 1 hole=a cull

if a dog let quarry dig away and i couldnt get to it = a cull

if a dog gets bossed by quarry= a cull

if a dog cant fing in a dog spot=a cull

if a dog let quarry past= a cull

if a dog cant get right up to its quarry hmmm depends what mood i was in and wouyld really have to look at the eqations in the matter if i think it could of tried harder or could of got to it then its a cull if it was absoulutly no chance of it getting i would take it home :thumbs:



:laugh: Gave me a right laugh that did.

Now I know your full of shite :yes:


You must be one of these characters with a kennel full of superheros that heve streets named after them etc. :laugh:


Listen mate you cant kid a kidder so dont even bother.


Thats what I love about this site, it always gives you a giggle.


Anyway mate you crack on trying to impress the retards on here, I only have to impress myself.







best post iv seen on this thread .Some people just want machines .Jesus surely a dog is left have one mishap ,put him away and try him one more time .I tell you one thing from reading this thread iv just realised how many HARD MEN there is in the terrier world

and bullshiters



an thats why ye should only take pups off guys that are willing to show ye the rest a his doggs graft :laugh::thumbs:

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  On 12/06/2011 at 16:57, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:51, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:45, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:31, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:12, FightTheBan said:

Hedz above post is what is commonly known as 'BLACK DOG SYNDROME'


Also known as utter bullshit.


Hedz go away and stop pestering me ya stupid wee impressionable c**t.


Do you think I come on here for pointers or from a pat on the back from bellends like yourself?


Would you have prefered me to come on, lie, and say I have never dug more than one hole to a terrier that I rate as a goodun?


Dont be so fecking childish.


The decent lads on here will read your posts and know the truth.


Lies only get you so far :icon_redface:



right ye daft little cuni i put this ive had a few dogs that have never failed i aint lieing plenty can vouch for it i dont lie if it fails i cull it simple ive never bred of a dog that has failed, plenty folk out there have also bred of dogs that have never failed thats why they have stud dogs and brood bitchs that they breed from now ye keep failures in ye kennel and ye breed from them fair enough ye honest about it but to me ye keep culls i have different standards and am perhaps harsher than ye where on this post did i say ive never had a dog fail ??? ive not have i ye c**t ive culled dozens of shite potlickers dogs like the ones ye keep :thumbs: and the decent lads on here :laugh: they do know the truth now ye keep culls and if anybody wants to call me a liar lets go out hopefully somebody will have more bollox than ye and fidodido ye jack every offer given with bullshit excuses ye are are bad as ye dogs :laugh:






Dont make out ye just trying for a bite with me ftb then send me shite pms saying ye was only messing about etc ye basicaly called me a liar and full of shite on an open forum ye did this last time well come and prove me a fecking liar and full of shite am telling ye this you will come out with me this season if not this weekend and ill rip ye to bits and laugh my arse of if ye dog fails and ill crab ye and rip ye the rest of ye days on here your full of shit and a part timer that buys russels in ffs and ye openly admit ye keep failures and still keep them and ye dare crab me :blink:



Your in the game for the wrong reason.

I could not give a f**k, literally, what anyone thinks on here. Your just another messer, fairly high up on the stack IMO.


If you care that much about what other people think, maybe you should try showing.


If your terriers are the 'dogs bollocks' like you claim then what are you gaining from shouting about it on here?


A pat on the back?

A chocolate watch?

PM's about pups :laugh:


Look hedz' chill out and do your own thing, I will do mine.

Point 2 - I have not openly admitted to keeping failures. A terrier that cannot physically get to its quarry is not a failure a design flaw maybe, but not a failure.


Ask your missus, my cock was too big for anal so I fliped her back over. :thumbs:


Point 3 I have not Pm'd you today.


Keep at it son, your reputation on here will be rocketing.



ye keep shite ye know it i know it now trot on ye fecking messer

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  On 12/06/2011 at 17:01, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:57, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:51, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:45, FightTheBan said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:31, hedz31 said:
  On 12/06/2011 at 16:12, FightTheBan said:

Hedz above post is what is commonly known as 'BLACK DOG SYNDROME'


Also known as utter bullshit.


Hedz go away and stop pestering me ya stupid wee impressionable c**t.


Do you think I come on here for pointers or from a pat on the back from bellends like yourself?


Would you have prefered me to come on, lie, and say I have never dug more than one hole to a terrier that I rate as a goodun?


Dont be so fecking childish.


The decent lads on here will read your posts and know the truth.


Lies only get you so far :icon_redface:



right ye daft little cuni i put this ive had a few dogs that have never failed i aint lieing plenty can vouch for it i dont lie if it fails i cull it simple ive never bred of a dog that has failed, plenty folk out there have also bred of dogs that have never failed thats why they have stud dogs and brood bitchs that they breed from now ye keep failures in ye kennel and ye breed from them fair enough ye honest about it but to me ye keep culls i have different standards and am perhaps harsher than ye where on this post did i say ive never had a dog fail ??? ive not have i ye c**t ive culled dozens of shite potlickers dogs like the ones ye keep :thumbs: and the decent lads on here :laugh: they do know the truth now ye keep culls and if anybody wants to call me a liar lets go out hopefully somebody will have more bollox than ye and fidodido ye jack every offer given with bullshit excuses ye are are bad as ye dogs :laugh:






Dont make out ye just trying for a bite with me ftb then send me shite pms saying ye was only messing about etc ye basicaly called me a liar and full of shite on an open forum ye did this last time well come and prove me a fecking liar and full of shite am telling ye this you will come out with me this season if not this weekend and ill rip ye to bits and laugh my arse of if ye dog fails and ill crab ye and rip ye the rest of ye days on here your full of shit and a part timer that buys russels in ffs and ye openly admit ye keep failures and still keep them and ye dare crab me :blink:



Your in the game for the wrong reason.

I could not give a f**k, literally, what anyone thinks on here. Your just another messer, fairly high up on the stack IMO.


If you care that much about what other people think, maybe you should try showing.


If your terriers are the 'dogs bollocks' like you claim then what are you gaining from shouting about it on here?


A pat on the back?

A chocolate watch?

PM's about pups :laugh:


Look hedz' chill out and do your own thing, I will do mine.

Point 2 - I have not openly admitted to keeping failures. A terrier that cannot physically get to its quarry is not a failure a design flaw maybe, but not a failure.


Ask your missus, my cock was too big for anal so I fliped her back over. :thumbs:


Point 3 I have not Pm'd you today.


Keep at it son, your reputation on here will be rocketing.



ye keep shite ye know it i know it now trot on ye fecking messer




I won :toast:


I bet ur fecking boiling.



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